Welcome Remarks by Masako Toki, CIF Project Manager and Bryan Lee, CNS Acting Deputy Director
Welcome Remarks by Dr. Amy Sands, MIIS Provost

US Schools: 

Choate Rosemary Hall, Walingford, CT
Presentation Title: Iran: Risks, Challenges, and Opportunities

Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, MA
Presentation Title: Untying the Knot-Understanding the Enmity and Nuclear Dangers of the Indo-Pakistan Relationship

Janesville Academe for International Studies, Janesville, WI
Presentation Title: Nuclear News

Presque Isle High School, Presque Isle, ME
Presentation Title: The Struggle of the Middle East

Santa Catalina School, Monterey, CA
Presentation Title: Options for Peace in the Middle East

Japanese schools:

Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School, Hiroshima
Presentation Title: 思い立ったが吉日(Start Acting Today)

Yasuda Girls High School, Hiroshima
Presentation Title: South Asia Free of Nuclear Weapons

Kwassui High School, Nagasaki
Presentation Title: The Abolition of Nuclear Weapons in Northeast Asia

Yokohama Senior High School of International Studies, Kanagawa
Presentation Title: Tax for Pacific Tomorrow

Kaisei High School, Tokyo
Presentation Title: The Lacking Piece: People’s Action

Chiho Kozakura, Hiroshima University High school, Hiroshima, Youth Special Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons
Presentation Title: My Activities as a Youth Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons

Russian schools:

Gymnasium No 41, Novouralsk
Presentation Title: Throwing a Bridge over the Continents

Gymnasia No 164, Zelenogorsk
Presentation Title: Lessons from the Past Can Solve the Problems of the Future

Lyceum No 39, Ozersk,
Presentation Title: Through the Glass

Lyceum, Lesnoy
Presentation Title: The idle East: Pathways to a Nuclear-Free Zone

Keynote Speeches:

Consul General Hilde Janne Skorpen, Royal Norwegian Consulate General, San Francisco
Presentation Title: Humanitarian Impact of the Use of Nuclear Weapons

Dr. Nobumasa Akiyama, Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan
Presentation Title: Critical Roles of Youth in Nuclear Disarmament

MIIS-CNS student Panel

Choosing to make a Difference: Educational and Career Opportunities in disarmament and Nonproliferation


Choate Rosemary Hall, Walingford, CT

Presentation File

Choate PPT

 Presentation Video

Cushing Academy, Ashburnham, MA

Presentation File


Presentation Video

Janesville Academe for International Studies, Janesville, WI

Presentation File

Presentation Video

Presque Isle High School, Presque Isle, ME

Presentation File

PIHS Prezi

 Presentation Video

Santa Catalina School, Monterey, CA

Presentation Title: Options for Peace in the Middle East

Presentation Filesanta catalina ppt cover

Presentation Video

Japanese schools:

Hiroshima Jogakuin Senior High School, Hiroshima

Presentation File,

hiroshima jogakuin prezi coverPresentation Video

Yasuda Girls High School, Hiroshima

Presentation File,

yasuda prezi cover

Presentation Video

Kwassui High School, Nagasaki

Presentation File

kwassui ppt cover

Presentation Video

Yokohama Senior High School of International Studies, Kanagawa

Presentation File

yokohama ppt cover

 Presentation Video

Kaisei High School, Tokyo

Presentation File

kaisei prezi cover

Presentation Video

Chiho Kozakura, Youth Special Communicator for a World without Nuclear Weapons, Hiroshima University High school, Hiroshima

Presentation File

kozakura ppt cover

Presentation Video

Russian schools:

Gymnasium No 41, Novouralsk

Presentation File

novouralsk prezi cover

Presentation Video

Gymnasia No 164, Zelenogorsk

Presentation File

zelenogorsk prezi cover

Presentation Video

Lyceum No 39, Ozersk

Presentation File

ozersk ppt cover

Presentation Video

Lyceum, Lesnoy

Presentation File

lesnoy prezi cover

Presentation Video

Keynote Speeches:

Consul General Hilde Janne Skorpen, Royal Norwegian Consulate General, San Francisco

Presentation Video

Dr. Nobumasa Akiyama, Professor, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan

Presentation File

akiyama ppt cover

Presentation Video

MIIS-CNS Student Panel

Choosing to make a Difference: Educational and Career Opportunities in Disarmament and Nonproliferation

Presentation Video