Benchmark I
Your task is to demonstrate clearly, in a carefully constructed project, a comprehensive understanding of nuclear safety. You will expand on the following scenario to demonstrate your understanding of the issue.
(You may choose to be specific about each element in bold italics or you may discuss the element in general terms. You may also add any additional elements to the scenario, if you think those additional elements are important.)
A country in a moderately developed part of the world has had a nuclear industry for several years. This country uses nuclear facility designs from a company in another country,but this country has a developing scientific and engineering infrastructure.
The country has its own governmental regulations, but also cooperates with regional and international agreements and organizations.
The country’s various political parties have different opinions about nuclear issues, but while there is no close agreement, neither is there seriously strong argument with regard to nuclear issues.
This country’s nuclear facilities are constructed in several regions of the country; each region has very different environmental features. When each region was chosen, both positive and negative feature of the environments were kept in mind.
The country has a trained nuclear industry workforce, although there is also the presence of non-national contractors. The country has also conducted an educational program for its citizens, including special training for those who live in the area of each of the facilities.
An environmental event happens in the country, an event that is a major shock on the nuclear industry. All of the safety precautions put in place by the country are severely tested.
Your task is to choose the outcome of this scenario.
If there is little or no negative impact on the nuclear industry in this country, you will explain, in detail, what has gone “right.” Right scientifically, politically, economically, and socially.
If there is negative impact on the industry, you will explain, in detail, what has gone “wrong.” Wrong scientifically, politically, economically, and socially.
The project must be your own original work, with clear and correct citations for any work you borrow from others. If the work is not your own, including photos, graphics, multimedia, charts, and graphs you must credit it both within the text and in a bibliography.
Research Background for Nuclear Safety
Students will need to be familiar with the topics below in order to finish the scenario.
Nuclear Safety
The achievement of proper operating conditions, prevention of accidents or mitigation of accident consequences, resulting in protection of workers, the public and the environment from undue radiation hazards.
From IAEA Glossary
- Countries that have safety experience in the nuclear industry
- Nature of that experience
- Length of time of that experience
- Infrastructure
- Locations of nuclear plants
- Countries pursing nuclear energy (potential consumers)
- Nature of that experience
- Length of time of that experience
- Infrastructure
- Countries that export/share nuclear technology (suppliers)
- Nature of that experience
- Length of time of that experience
- Infrastructure
- The nuclear fuel cycle
- Structure of nuclear power reactors
- The dual nature of nuclear energy (civilian vs. military)
- Nuclear waste and nuclear spent fuel management
- Governmental roles in nuclear safety
- National approaches to safety
- International efforts to enhance nuclear safety
- Convention on Nuclear Safety
- Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
- Code of Conduct on the Safety of Research Reactors
- Convention on Early Notification of a Nuclear Accident
- Convention on Assistance in the Case of Nuclear Accident or Radiological Emergency
- The Three Mile Island Accident
- The Chernobyl Accident
- The Fukushima Accident