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Volunteer with NOM on tomorrow (Tuesday)
Nutrition Outreach and Mentoring (NOM) will be volunteering for the Learning Kitchen series doing cooking activities at the Vergennes Boys and Girls Club, leaving campus from Adirondack Circle at 3:05 p.m. Want to volunteer? Email Emma Burke, nom.midd@gmail.com.

Lake Champlain Bridge Opening: Volunteers Needed
Come and be a part of the historic celebration of the Lake Champlain Bridge Opening on May 19 & 21. Volunteers are needed on Friday, May 18 to set up, as well as on May 19 & 20 to help with the event. We are expecting thousands of visitors and there are plenty of jobs that need to get done. If you have a 4, 6 or 8 hours to give on any of those days, please contact Lorraine Franklin at: info@champlainbridgecommunity.org . The event is about 20 minutes from Middlebury on the shores of Lake Champlain, you will need to provide your own transportation to the event.

5/9 College Defensive Driving Class [Required to drive campus vehicles!]
This program is required for anyone who wishes to rent a College passenger or 15-passenger vehicle. If you might want to use a campus vehicle for volunteering in 2012-2013 get prepared by taking this class! There is no cost for the class but a driving orientation (a 1 hour review on the road) is required for 15-passenger Vans and larger vehicles. Class time is about 2 Hrs. REMINDER: A valid state license is required to take the class. Individuals wanting a 15-Passenger Van license must have 3 years of driving experience. To sign up email Ed Sullivan, Sullivan@middlebury.edu. Upcoming class: May 9, 12:30pm, Mitchell Green Lounge

A volunteer is needed to assist the United Way of Addison County set up their Google+ page and best utilize other Google products including ads. Interested? Contact United Way co-director Helen Freismuth, helen@unitedwayaddisoncounty.org.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099

under: Civic Engagement, Community Service Opportunities

What is Americorps?

Posted by: | May 2, 2012 | No Comment |

AmeriCorps engages more than 80,000 people in intensive service each year through more than 15,000 nonprofits, schools, public agencies, and community and faith-based groups across the country. AmeriCorps’ efforts are focused on 6 key areas: disaster services, economic opportunity, education, environmental stewardship, healthy futures, and veterans and military families.

There are opportunities to serve all over the U.S!  This is what one grad, Mikaela Lefrak ’10, had to say about her Americorps Position with C.E.O. Women in California:             

“When I graduated from Midd, I really only knew a few things about what I wanted to do. I wanted to: A) help people, B) live somewhere new and cool, and C) use my writing skills I got from my English major. That’s it, seriously.  Through my job at Midd I had gotten to know a recent college grad who did AmeriCorps VISTA, and she told me to check it out, which I did…I specifically chose VISTA because I wanted to see how nonprofits are run, and because I wanted to gain really tangible, useful, and unique skills that would help me get a job after my VISTA year.  Plus, VISTA makes it really easy for you to find open positions in the type of nonprofit you want to work at in whatever location you want to be in.  I really wanted to move to the Bay Area, and I really wanted to work with immigrants or with women, so those are the types of jobs I applied for through the online VISTA job database.
From August 2010 to August 2011, I worked at C.E.O. Women, an Oakland, CA-based nonprofit that provided entrepreneurship training to low-income immigrant and refugee women.  The job was totally awesome – not only did I get to know really inspiring women from all over the world who wanted to start businesses, follow their dreams, and support their families, but I got to share their stories with skills I gained in the fields of nonprofit fundraising and communications…After a year at C.E.O. Women, I knew how to run donor campaigns, manage databases, plan major events and galas, write grants, manage volunteers, create a social media strategy, use design programs to make high-quality collateral, edit a website, and so much more.  C.E.O. Women hired me on as their Development Manager after my VISTA year ended.  Once I decided to move on from that position, it was surprisingly easy to get offers from other nonprofits, since there aren’t a ton of young people who know how to do (or, frankly, are interested in) fundraising work.  Fundraising is cool because even though your daily jobs aren’t super flashy, you get to write a lot, if that’s your thing, and you have a pretty easy in to a lot of super awesome organizations.  After I moved on from C.E.O. Women, I worked briefly as a consultant for Fair Trade USA (also in Oakland).  Then, when I decided to move to DC to be closer to home, I quickly found a job at an education policy organization.  They were impressed by the experience I’ve had in fundraising and grant writing, and how much I knew about how nonprofits function on a structural level.  Again, it doesn’t sound exciting, but it got me into a place that’s doing work I believe in: reforming the public school system in the U.S. on a national level.”

For more information, feel free to visit Civic Engagement in the EIA.  We’re hiring for an Americorps*VISTA position next year!  As Mentoring and Youth Programs Coordinator, the VISTA would work closely with student organizations such as Community Friends, Xiao Pengyou, DMC Mentoring, DREAM, and NOM, as well as other student initiatives focused on youth development.  Contact Emma Lennon ’11 at elennon@middlebury for more information about this position or others in Americorps!



under: Civic Engagement

Middlebury Alternative Breaks (MAlt) is accepting leader applications for February Break 2013 service learning trips. MAlt is Middlebury’s alternative break program. In 2012-2013 MAlt will offer three domestic and two international student-led service trips over February break.

If you have a great idea for a trip complete the application with a co-leader, and turn it in to Ashley Calkins in the Center for Education in Action, 211 Adirondack House, by 3:00 pm on Monday, April 30th. Interviews will be held on May 4th, 5th, and 6th, and leaders will be notified by May 11th.

MAlt trips can be domestic or international, but this year we will also be looking for strong applications in the New England region. This past year MAlt traveled to El Paso, Mexico, The Dominican Republic, Boston, and Tennessee.

MAlt 2012-2013 Leader Application

Questions? Please contact co-chairs Daniel Loehr at dloehr@middlebury.edu and Charlotte Zelle at czelle@middlebury.edu.

under: Civic Engagement, Community Service Opportunities, Leadership Opportunities

 The Center for Education in Action seeks an AmeriCorps VISTA member for a one-year position as Mentoring and Youth Programs Coordinator from mid-August 2012 through mid-August 2013.

We seek a dedicated individual to engage both the campus and community to support students’ involvement with the College’s mentoring and youth programs. The primary goal of this VISTA position is to build capacity in programs that improve college aspirations for children from low-income and minority backgrounds in Addison County. The ideal candidate will be familiar with campus- and community-connected work, have experience planning events and recruiting volunteers, have excellent interpersonal and communication skills (written and verbal), and have a mentoring background or experience working with youth. 

For more information on responsibilities and benefits, contact Emma Lennon, current Americorps*VISTA member, at elennon@middlebury.edu.  Applications are due May 18th.

Learn more general information about Americorps here.

under: Civic Engagement

Willowell garden work day
Saturday, April 21 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
This Saturday, celebrate spring by lending a hand at the Willowell Foundation’s herb garden, with lunch baked in our own pizza oven. RSVP to Julie Mitchell (eosbotanicals@gmail.com) or just show up.

Green Up Day!
Each year in Vermont over 15,000 people volunteer annually on the first Saturday in May for Green Up Day to pick up litter and do other environmental projects. This year’s projects on May 5th will also focus on Irene Recovery. Passionate students are needed to help coordinate Addison County’s Green Up Day participation including organizing a group of Middlebury College students and involving local elementary school children. Interested? Email Charlotte Tate, tate@middlebury.edu.

One-time volunteer opportunity: Vergennes Boys and Girls Club
Volunteer Services Organization (VSO) would like to invite you all to join us on a great volunteering opportunity coming up with the Boys and Girls Club of Vergennes. On Friday, April 20th from 12pm to 3pm, we will help to set up for a weekend kids’ painting event. Transportation will be provided. To sign-up to volunteer or if you have any questions please email Daniela Barajas at vso@middlebury.edu.

Apply to participate in the Hesselbein Global Academy: Funding provided for attendance
Join 50 top student leaders from across the world to learn how to be effective, ethical, and innovative leaders. Participants will work alongside distinguished mentors who will share their expertise and provide advanced leadership training. Students will emerge from the academy with the skills and experience to excel as global leaders. Deadline April 30.
Apply online at http://www.hesselbein.pitt.edu/student-leadership/overview.php
Questions? Contact previous attendee Quan Pham ‘12, qpham@middlebury.edu.

Feel like cooking on a Wednesday?
(Sweet potato poutine!)
Volunteer with NOM (Nutrition Outreach and Mentoring) this Wednesday at the Teen Center in town! Volunteers will cook and eat dinner with the teens, beginning at 4:30. It is a fun and easy way to make an impact in the community! For more information, contact the group at nom.midd@gmail.com.

Reminder: MAlt Leader applications due 4/30

Middlebury Alternative Breaks (MAlt) is accepting leader applications for February Break 2013 service learning trips. If you have a great idea for a trip, read this material:MAlt Leader App for 12-13, complete the application with a co-leader, and turn it in to Ashley Calkins in the Center for Education in Action, 211 Adirondack House, by 3:00 pm on Monday, April 30th. Interviews will be held on May 4th, 5th, and 6th, and leaders will be notified by May 11th. MAlt trips can be domestic or international, but this year we will also be looking for strong applications in the New England region. This past year MAlt traveled to El Paso, Mexico, The Dominican Republic, Boston, and Tennessee. Here’s how some MAlters described their trips in one word: community, warmth, eye-opening, growth, intense, challenging, humbling, real, soulful, marvelous, robust, refreshing, fantastic, and unforgettable. Questions? Please contact co-chairs Daniel Loehr at dloehr@middlebury.edu and Charlotte Zelle at czelle@middlebury.edu.
Need money for service? Apply to the Service Cluster Board Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses or ingredients to cook meals at the community lunch program, we want to help you serve others. Click on “Service Cluster Board Flex Fund” here to find our application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099

under: Civic Engagement, Community Service Opportunities

Square Dancing Volunteers Needed
Looking for a fun volunteer opportunity? Come participate in a square dance with the residents of Helen Porter Nursing Home. Specifically, we need volunteers to help decorate and to dance with the residents. Our goal is that for each resident, we will try to have one volunteer to push the wheel chair through the motions and another volunteer to be the dance partner. So, sign up and come dance to some country western music. The event is on April 13th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and transportation will be provided. The residents of Helen Porter are excited for us to come join them, so please email vso@middlebury.edu in order to reserve your spot for this fun event.

New mentoring program: Informational meeting 4/11 7:30 p.m.
There will be a new mentoring program starting next Fall at Middlebury Union High School, which will pair at-risk high school students with college mentors.
The Goal: to give students a friend, role model, and support who can help them navigate not only everyday life and growing up issues, but also the high school and college processes. Many of the students could use someone to give them the encouragement needed to believe in their own abilities and look forward to high school graduation and beyond.
Interested? There will be a short informational meeting on WEDNESDAY April 11th at 7:30 p.m. in Axinn 109. Brooke Jette, prevention specialist at MUHS, will be there to speak to the program and how to get involved. Because it is still in its developmental stages right now, it is a great opportunity for any of you to take a leadership role in heading the program here at Midd! If you think that you may be interested in getting involved, come to the meeting on Wednesday to ensure that you’re contacted next Fall!
Questions? Email Emma Lennon, Mentoring and Youth Programs coordinator, elennon@middlebury.edu.

4/10 College Defensive Driving Class [Required to drive campus vehicles!]
This program is required for anyone who wishes to rent a College passenger or 15-passenger vehicle. If you might want to use a campus vehicle for volunteering this semester, plan to take this defensive driving class! There is no cost for the class but a driving orientation (a 1 hour review on the road) is required for 15-passenger Vans and larger vehicles. Class time is about 2 Hrs. REMINDER: A valid state license is required to take the class. Individuals wanting a 15-Passenger Van license must have 3 years of driving experience. To sign up email Ed Sullivan, Sullivan@middlebury.edu. Upcoming class: April 10 9:00 a.m., Mitchell Green Lounge

Volunteer at the annual Page 1 Reading Carnival
Saturday, April 14th is the annual Page One Spring Reading Carnival! Come join us for medieval merrymaking! The event will be held in Atwater Dining Hall from 1pm-3pm, for children in grades K-4. Volunteers are needed to play with kids, do fun crafts, and read. Please email pageone@middlebury.edu if you’re interested in helping out!

It’s Relay Week! Participate in these events to raise money and awareness about the fight against cancer.
Monday (4/9) : Two Brothers Night, 5-8 PM, 10% proceeds go to Relay, $5 to enter
Tuesday (4/10): Bank Night at Crossroads, 6-9 PM, FREE REGISTRATION :), free cookies and espresso bar!
Wednesday (4/11): Silent Art Auction, 51 Main, 6-9 PM, SIM (Stuck in the Middle) will be performing
Thursday (4/12): Trivia in Crossroads, 9-11 PM
Saturday (4/14): Babysitting Day, McCullough, 11am-1pm, if the kids want to go to the Page One Reading Carnival, then 11am-3pm

Video Game Design Project: Volunteer Needed
Vermont Adult Learning, a local educational non-profit, is looking for a volunteer to help with a video game design project. The goal is to create a video game for a local museum. If you would be interested in helping mentor a student for up to four hours, and if you know something (anything!) about game design, we would love your help. Contact Alison Bromage to learn more or sign up to volunteer: 802.388.4392, abromage@vtadultlearning.org.

Need money for service? Apply to the Service Cluster Board Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses or ingredients to cook meals at the community lunch program, we want to help you serve others. Click on “Service Cluster Board Flex Fund” here to find our application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099

under: Civic Engagement, Community Service Opportunities

Volunteer Services Organization: Boys and Girls Club of Vergennes
On April 6th from 4pm to 6pm, we will volunteer doing some fun activities with the club’s elementary and teen-aged participants. Transportation will be provided. To sign-up to volunteer or if you have any questions please email Daniela Barajas at vso@middlebury.edu.

Video Game Design Project: Volunteer Needed
Vermont Adult Learning, a local educational non-profit, is looking for a volunteer to help with a video game design project. The goal is to create a video game for a local museum. If you would be interested in helping mentor a student for up to four hours, and if you know something (anything!) about game design, we would love your help. Contact Alison Bromage to learn more or sign up to volunteer: 802.388.4392, abromage@vtadultlearning.org.

Whiting Elementary School is seeking volunteers to help with several spring projects!

They would like someone to help:
• Build a small greenhouse
• Spread loam and seed bare patches of playground
• Build a basketball hoop and backboard
If you are interested in helping with these playground upgrades, please call Serena at United Way 388-7044 for more information. Thank you!

Monkton Central School: Volunteers needed to help with accelerated math 6th graders
Volunteers are needed 1-2 times per week to work with pre-algebra level sixth graders on math activities between 9:15 – 10:25 a.m. Monday through Thursday. Interested? Contact Kate Geyler, 6th grade teacher, Monkton Central School, kgagner@anesu.org. Need transportation? You could apply to the SCB Flex Fund to get gas mileage reimbursement or to fund a college vehicle (college driver’s license necessary).

Register a Relay for Life Team!

Help raise money for cancer research by registering for Relay for Life! Grab your friends, start a team, and have an awesome time at our event on May 4, 2012! Visit go/relay.

Do you enjoy making a difference and American Literature?
Combine your passion for both by tutoring a Middlebury Union High School Student who needs a tutor in American Literature willing to edit his papers. Tutoring sessions would take place in the high school Learning Lab. If you’re interested, contact Jim Burnett, Learning Lab Coordinator, jburnett@addisoncentralsu.org, 802.382.1165.

Apply to participate in the Hesselbein Global Academy: Funding provided for attendance
Join 50 top student leaders from across the world to learn how to be effective, ethical, and innovative leaders. Participants will work alongside distinguished mentors who will share their expertise and provide advanced leadership training. Students will emerge from the academy with the skills and experience to excel as global leaders. Deadline April 30.
Apply online at http://www.hesselbein.pitt.edu/student-leadership/overview.php
Contact Quan Pham, qpham@middlebury.edu, for questions.

Need a friend to play wiffle ball with this Spring? Become a Community Friends Mentor!
Last Call to have the chance to mentor a child in the community this semester! Applications are due no later than TUESDAY APRIL 3rd at MIDNIGHT. Visit go/cf for an application, or email Emma Lennon at elennon@middlebury.edu for more information.

¿Habla Español?
Get engaged: Support a Middlebury Union High School Student who needs a Spanish tutor one or more days a week. The student is available from 1:30 – 2:15 Monday through Friday, tutoring would take place in the high school Learning Lab. Contact Jim Burnett, Learning Lab Coordinator, jburnett@addisoncentralsu.org, 802.382.1165.

Need money for service? Apply to the Service Cluster Board Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses or ingredients to cook meals at the community lunch program, we want to help you serve others. Click on “Service Cluster Board Flex Fund” here to find our application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099

under: Civic Engagement, Community Service Opportunities

Five Middlebury College students participated in the Middlebury Alternative Break Trip (MAlt) to Burlington, VT over spring break with members of the Burmese community. MAlt is a student organization that provides student-designed and student-led service trips for Middlebury College students over Fall, February, and Spring Break.

During the trip participants stayed with Burmese host families for three nights and had the opportunity to learn about Burmese culture and share their own culture through interaction with Burmese children and adults, including meals. Many Burmese refugees settled in Burlington through the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program. Middlebury College participants led workshops on citizenship topics since many community members are currently studying for the United States citizenship exam. Other service activities included helping children with homework, teaching ESL, and taking the children on cultural outings within Burlington.

Trip leader Carson Hauck ’14 shared, “The trip was a great opportunity for Middlebury students to learn about the culture and stories of the Burmese refugees in nearby Burlington, as well as a chance to form a deeper connection with Vermont communities off-campus.” Middlebury alum Htar Htar Yu ’08 serves as a staff interpreter for the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program and helped interpret for the group and coordinate activities throughout their trip.

Carson will continue to coordinate volunteer work with the Burmese community this spring through a student initiative, Friends of Burma. If you’re interested in volunteer opportunities with the group please contact Carson Hauck, chauck@middlebury.edu. Contact Ashley Calkins, jcalkins@middlebury.edu with questions about the MAlt program.

under: Civic Engagement, Programs and Events

Get your hands dirty: help paint at Beeman Elementary School
Staying on campus during spring break? Want to spend your time in a meaningful way helping out your community? Beeman Elementary is looking for volunteers to help paint their cafeteria on Saturday, March 24th. Please e-mail tfafard@comcast.net for more information if you are interested in helping!

Monkton Central School: Volunteers needed to help with accelerated math 6th graders
Volunteers are needed 1-2 times per week to work with pre-algebra level sixth graders on math activities between 9:15 – 10:25 a.m. Monday through Thursday. Interested? Contact Kate Geyler, 6th grade teacher, Monkton Central School, kgagner@anesu.org. Need transportation? You could apply to the SCB Flex Fund to get gas mileage reimbursement or to fund a college vehicle (college driver’s license necessary).

Register a Relay for Life Team!
Help raise money for cancer research by registering for Relay for Life! Grab your friends, start a team, and have an awesome time at our event on May 4, 2012! Visit go/relay.

Film your story for VT Energy Independence Day!
March 21st is VT Energy Independence Day. Grab a camera and film your story, interview a neighbor, visit an energy project, talk with a town energy committee. Let’s show the world what one small state can do. This is a story of our State making a bold break from the past, transitioning to a sustainable energy future, and strengthening economy, community, and environment in the bargain. More information at: www.march21st.org.

Apply to participate in the Hesselbein Global Academy:
Funding provided for attendance

Join 50 top student leaders from across the world to learn how to be effective, ethical, and innovative leaders. Participants will work alongside distinguished mentors who will share their expertise and provide advanced leadership training. Students will emerge from the academy with the skills and experience to excel as global leaders. Deadline April 30.
Apply online at http://www.hesselbein.pitt.edu/student-leadership/overview.php
Contact Quan Pham, qpham@middlebury.edu, for questions.

¿Habla Español?
Get engaged: Support a Middlebury Union High School Student who needs a Spanish tutor one or more days a week. The student is available from 1:30 – 2:15 Monday through Friday, tutoring would take place in the high school Learning Lab. Contact Jim Burnett, Learning Lab Coordinator, jburnett@addisoncentralsu.org, 802.382.1165.

Volunteer with Nutrition Outreach and Mentoring (NOM)
This week the Teen Center is hosting community supper at the Congregational Church in town. On Wednesday (today!) we will be preparing dessert for the event with the teens! Think crisp: apple or peach! Either way it is going to be delicious. And we are going to bake several at the teen center. Meet us at 4:30 on Wednesday at the Teen Center In addition, your help would be greatly appreciated to cook, serve, and clean at community supper on Friday! We will meet at the Congregational Church at 3 and the event will probably last until 7. You are always welcome to come any time you are available within this time frame. Friends are welcome to help as well. Questions? Email nom.midd@gmail.com.

On Wednesday (today!) we are going to Beeman Elementary! After much analysis of each class’s drawings, skits, stories, and puppet shows from last week, this week we will reveal each class’s winning vegetable. Want to help plan the curriculum? Let’s meet over breakfast tomorrow morning in Proctor Lounge at 8! More importantly, there will be two time frames in which you can actually be in the classroom with students on Wednesday (transportation provided). One car will leave at 8 am and be back to campus by noon. The other will leave just after noon and be back by 3:30. Please e-mail nom.midd@gmail.com if you would like to carpool to Beeman! If you have your own car, you are more than welcome to go for any length of time that you are available! The kids are pumped. This is going to be an exciting surprise for them!

Need money for service? Apply to the Service Cluster Board Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses or ingredients to cook meals at the community lunch program, we want to help you serve others. Click on “Service Cluster Board Flex Fund” here to find our application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Questions?If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099

under: Civic Engagement, Community Service Opportunities

Come join Dennis D. Parker ’77, P’13 for a unique Career Conversation today, Monday, March 19 at 5:00 PM in Carr Hall lounge to discuss public interest law, ACLU, racial justice work and applying to law school.

Mr. Parker is the Director of the ACLU National Office’s Racial Justice Program (RJP). Concentrating on issues of  the school-to-prison pipeline which funnels children of color from the educational system into the criminal justice system, racial profiling, affirmative action, indigent representation and felon enfranchisement and predatory lending, the RJP seeks to remove barriers to equal opportunity for communities of color through litigation, public education, community organizing and legislation.

Prior to joining the ACLU, he was the Chief of the Civil Rights Bureau of the Office of  the New York State Attorney. Mr. Parker also worked for fourteen years at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund litigating and supervising the litigation of scores of cases involving elementary and secondary education, affirmative action in higher education and equal educational opportunity. Other positions included work at the employment firm of Vladeck, Waldman, Elias and Engelhardt and the New York Legal Aid Society, Criminal Defense Division in Brooklyn, New York. He has published a book and numerous chapters and articles on a range of civil rights issues including housing discrimination, educational equity, affirmative action and testing.

Mr. Parker lectures extensively on civil rights issues and is an adjunct professor at New York Law School. He is a graduate of Middlebury College and Harvard Law School.

under: CCG - Career Advice, Civic Engagement, EIA - Career Conversation, Graduate School

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