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Staying on campus but looking to put the “giving” in Thanksgiving this upcoming break? Volunteer at the Charter House!
The Charter House winter housing facility serves as an emergency home staffed 24/7 by trained volunteers who provide a warm, welcoming environment for families in stress. Volunteers are needed to take shifts over Thanksgiving break! Contact James McMillan (jmcmillan@middlebury.edu) to sign up.

Clothing Donations Needed for Addison Central Teens (ACT)
ACT is hosting the annual clothing swap & shop on Wednesday 12/4 and Thursday 12/5 at MUHS from 11:30 am to 3 pm for students only and from 3 pm to 7 pm for the public. They are seeking donations of clothing, especiallything, especially female and male outerwear, like warm winter jackets/coats and scarves or men’s suit jackets. As always jewelery, ties and fun hand bags are favorite items. This year they are also looking for holiday items or gift items teens can purchase as presents for their family. You can drop off items at the teen center until 12/3 from 3 to 6 pm and this Saturday, 11/23 from 10 to 3 pm. Questions? Contact Jutta Miska, jutta@addisonteens.com.

Apply to participate in Habitat for Humanity’s February Break Trip to Pongoteague, Virginia
This will be our fourth year in a row working with our community partners in Pungoteague. Every year this trip is filled with good food, good laughs, time at the beach (!), and of course, a whole lot of house-building. The leaders for this year’s trip will be Huy Nguyen (’16) and Sarah Scott (’17). More detailed information regarding the trip is available on the application itself. To apply, you can find the application on Habitat’s Middlink page under “documents” (go/middlink -> login with your midd id -> go to “Organizations” and click on Habitat -> click on “documents” on the left-hand bar). Applications are due Sunday Dec. 1st by email to Huy and Sarah (hnguyen@middlebury.edu and sscott@middlebury.edu). Please feel free to contact them with any questions as well.

Put your math skills to work in the local community! 
Volunteers are needed to tutor a high school students in math at the Middlebury Union High School Learning Lab. The Learning Lab has a high demand for extra assistance with homework and studying and could use drop-in volunteers to help with various coursework in various math classes. Volunteers are specifically needed Monday – Friday during any of these shifts: 11:30 a.m. -12:15 p.m., 12:50-1:30 p.m., 1:35-2:15 p.m., 2:15-2:55 p.m., 3:00-4:00 p.m. Interested? Contact Ben Krahn,bkrahn@addisoncentralsu.org.

United Way is seeking Middlebury College students to serve as Community Impact Volunteers, participating in a community grant process as part of an impact team in the areas of Health, Education or Financial Stability. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the operations of local agencies, review grants, and build relationships with community members. Volunteers are ambassadors for United Way of Addison County and read each grant application in their assigned impact area (Health, Education or Financial Stability), develop a list of questions to discuss at site visits, visit agencies, participate in the team scoring process and recommend a funding amount for the board of directors to approve.  The work takes place from approximately January 13th through the last week of March (United Way can accommodate your absence over February Break and Spring Break). Volunteers are expected to be interested in the community, non-profit sector, applying agencies and the United Way grant process.  Confidentiality and professionalism are musts. Enthusiasm, curiosity, and a sense of humor are valued highly! Interested students should contact United Way of Addison County Executive Director Kate McGowan (kmcgowan@middlebury.eduby Wednesday, December 4th for more details.

Global Engagement Summit
April 16-20, 2014 at Northwestern University
The Global Engagement Summit (GES) builds the capacity of the next generation of change-makers through our annual summit, yearlong programming, and staff curriculum. By identifying talented, young individuals, providing skills training and connecting driven students with innovative thought leaders, GES empowers them to produce responsible and sustainable solutions to shared global problems. Apply here. If you are accepted to the Summit and need funding support, apply for a Cross-Cultural Community Service Fund Grant!

Apply to the Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses, games to play with Porter Hospital residents, or turkeys to cook at the local shelter, we want to help you serve others. Visit here to find the SCB Flex Fund application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Associate Director, Community Engagement, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099.

under: Uncategorized
United Way is seeking Middlebury College students to serve as Community Impact Volunteers, participating in a community grant process as part of an impact team in the areas of Health, Education or Financial Stability. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about the operations of local agencies, review grants, and build relationships with community members. Volunteers are ambassadors for United Way of Addison County and read each grant application in their assigned impact area (Health, Education or Financial Stability), develop a list of questions to discuss at site visits, visit agencies, participate in the team scoring process and recommend a funding amount for the board of directors to approve.  The work takes place from approximately January 13th through the last week of March (United Way can accommodate your absence over February Break and Spring Break). Volunteers are expected to be interested in the community, non-profit sector, applying agencies and the United Way grant process.  Confidentiality and professionalism are musts. Enthusiasm, curiosity, and a sense of humor are valued highly! Interested students should contact United Way of Addison County Executive Director Kate McGowan (kmcgowan@middlebury.eduby Wednesday, December 4th for more details.

Apply to be a Habitat for Humanity Break Trip Leader: Habitat leads a trip of 10 Middlebury students to Pungoteague, VA to build for the week (February 2 -8). During each workday we will spend about 8 hours working on Habitat homes, doing everything from constructing wall to painting to building a deck. In the evenings, we hang out, play games, cook dinner, and have outings in the beautiful Pungoteague area. To apply, reply to mrosewilliams@middlebury.edu by TODAY 11/18 with the following 1) Name and class year 2) a short description of your Habitat experience, or any other building or service work you have done 3) a short description of any leadership experience you have and 4) one to two sentences on why you would like to be part of Habitat’s Feb Break trip.

Help Sponsor a local child whose family cannot afford to buy presents for the holiday season through the Giving Trees program!
Each Giving Tree lists gift ideas for an age-range and gender and this year HOPE will allow parents to choose out of the donated items in a “Holiday Shop” in order to best match gifts with their own children’s interests. If you have any questions, please e-mailjcalkins@middlebury.edu. Here’s how to participate:

  • You can sponsor a tree by yourself, with a friend, with your hall, with your Commons, or another student organization.
  • You can pick up a tree (paper cut-out) from the Community Engagement office in 118 South Main on  Monday, November 18th; and Tuesday, November 19thbetween 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.!
  • Gifts must be brought back to the 118 South Main Street on Tuesday, November 26th between 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Global Engagement Summit
April 16-20, 2014 at Northwestern University
The Global Engagement Summit (GES) builds the capacity of the next generation of change-makers through our annual summit, yearlong programming, and staff curriculum. By identifying talented, young individuals, providing skills training and connecting driven students with innovative thought leaders, GES empowers them to produce responsible and sustainable solutions to shared global problems. Apply here. If you are accepted to the Summit and need funding support, apply for a Cross-Cultural Community Service Fund Grant!

Clinton Global Initiative University Conference
Middlebury has established a relationship with Clinton Global Initiative to become a CGIU Campus. If you are interested in applying to attend the Clinton Global Initiative University Conference with students from all over the world, the deadline for early decision and travel assistance is November 22, 2014Apply now to attend CGI U 2014 at Arizona State University, which will take place from March 21-23, 2014.  CGI U is President Clinton’s initiative to engage the next generation of leaders on college campuses around the world. Students that submit a CGIU “commitment to action” and are selected by the CGIU process are eligible to use this application as a grant application to the 2014 MCSE Summer Grants challenge. MCSE Summer Grants Projects receive $3000 for the summer.

Volunteer as a train engineer! 
Each winter the Midd-Vermont Train Club’s elaborate electric train layout is a delight to all ages in their holiday display at the Sheldon Museum in downtown Middlebury. Volunteers are needed to help set up the display this week, and then to work as “engineers” for the trains between now and the second week of January, welcoming guests and managing the train display. Interested? Contact Ed Mcguire,edmcguire1964@gmail.com.

Sing Christmas Carols at Helen Porter: Annual Holiday Event
Saturday, December 7th from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. 
The Porter Campus is putting on our annual holiday event at Helen Porter on Saturday, December 7th from 2-4 pm.  They are seeking singing groups or individual students who would be willing to stop in to lead a few carols with us?  Porter residents, girl scout troops, families and members of the general public attend this event. There will be a Christmas tree forest, hot cocoa bar, and a final memory tree lighting in the courtyard.  Contact Laurie Borden, LBorden@portermedical.org.

Come get a FREE Professional Head Shot for your LinkedIn Profile! 
Thursday, November 21st 3:00 – 6:00 p.m. Abernathy Room,  Axinn

An opportunity from the Center for Careers and Internships! LinkedIn is a valuable online network of professionals that can provide you with important career opportunities, connections, and company research. Your profile picture will say a lot about you. go/saycheese

Digital Citizenship Challenge
Announcing the creation of the Weingartner Digital Citizenship Challenge – a competition designed to address the issues of democratic citizenship in the digital age. Applicants are asked to submit three short essays describing their ideas on how the internet can be used to foster a vibrant democracy characterized, among other things, by civic engagement, civil discourse, an informed citizenry, and a responsible and transparent government. Three awards of up to $2000 are available for the best ideas submitted by January 5, 2014. Those chosen as finalists will have their ideas presented at the Weingartner Digital Citizenship Forum on February 11, 2014. The Challenge is an initiative created by dotDemocracy, a nonpartisan organization founded by the Weingartner Policy Fellows at the College of William and Mary. The application for the Challenge, as well as other information on dotDemocracy and the Forum, can be found at www.dotdemocracy.org.

Become a paid Summer Staff Member or Volunteer for an amazing week!
Tuesday, 11/19  2:00 -4:00 p.m. Adirondack House Library

Representatives from: The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp will be coming to YOU for a presentation on their summer camp program. Founded by Paul Newman in 1988, The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp has been serving seriously ill children with a remarkably empowering away experience for more than twenty years. Here, children diagnosed with cancer, sickle cell anemia, HIV/AIDS, hemophilia and other serious and life-threatening conditions enjoy more than they or their parents ever thought possible. What Are We Looking For? Motivated, creative, hardworking individuals who have experience or interest in: Outdoor Education, working in a wilderness therapy setting, Arts & Crafts, Sports & Recreation, Horse Barn, Cabin Counselor and more. Our season runs June 4- August 23, 2014. 12 week and 8 week paid positions or 1 week volunteer positions are available. Application available online January 1st, 2014:www.holeinthewallgang.org. Questions? Contact: Marisa Fezza, Program Assistant,860-429-3444marisa.fezza@holeinthewallgang.org.

Apply to the Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses, games to play with Porter Hospital residents, or turkeys to cook at the local shelter, we want to help you serve others. Visit here to find the SCB Flex Fund application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Associate Director, Community Engagement, jcalkins@middlebury.edu802.443.3099.

under: Uncategorized

Typhoon Haiyan

Posted by: | November 11, 2013 | No Comment |


InterAction reports, “One of the most powerful typhoons ever recorded devastated parts of the central Philippines, a country already coping with three major disasters over the past two months. The death toll continues to rise and access remains an issue.” If you are looking for information about how to support the many devastated by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines,  the Scott Center has posted more detailed information on their website:


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Addison County Farm to School meeting
Wed. 11/6 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Addison County Regional Planning Commission on Seminary Street.
Get involved with the Farm to School work in Addison County! Suzanne Young, local food educator, will be conducting a FREE taste test workshop for the last hour of the meeting. Learn more about taste-tasting volunteer opportunities at local schools through this workshop. RSVP to Emily Hoyler, ehoyler@middlebury.edu.

Build this weekend with Habitat for Humanity and VSO!
This Saturday (11/9) join VSO and Habitat for Humanity at the Habitat worksite in Cornwall, VT. Habitat is a non-profit organization that provides affordable housing for families in the community. Volunteers will help with the construction process; tasks may include hammering and/or working with power tools. No construction experience is needed. We plan to meet at ADK around 8:45am and work from 9am-noon. If you are interested, please RSVP to Habitat at humanity@middlebury.edu or VSO at vso@middlebury.edu

NOM Nutrition Outreach Mentoring Meeting: TODAY 
11/3 8:15 – 9:00 p.m. 118 South Main Street
Come to the weekly NOM: Nutrition Outreach and Mentoring meeting. We’ll be discussing volunteer opportunities in the community. Nutrition Outreach Mentoring (NOM) is a student organization aimed at creating community and connecting people through food and food education. Just show up or emailcommunityengagement@middlebury.edu with questions.

Interested in international and global affairs? Have great ideas to share with campus? Visit go/5000
The Rohatyn Student Advisory Board (RSAB), is now accepting proposals for its first annual student-led conference competition. RSAB will be awarding up to $5000 in funding for the winning proposal. While there is no set requirements for proposals, RSAB ask that topics and themes be international and global in scope. Note the deadline: November 7th, 2013.  RSAB is Rohatyn Center for Global Affair’s affiliated student group. Questions? For more information about the competition, please visit RSAB here. If you have questions, please contact Nestor Martinez, Program and Outreach Fellow, at 802.443.5652 or at nmartinez@middlebury.edu.

J-Term Course Highlight
Still deciding which J-Term course to take? Check out HIST 1023 Unnatural Border. In this course we will explore how the U.S.-Mexico border transformed from a “line in the sand” to a place of increasing physical presence. Using both primary and secondary texts, documentaries, and news articles, we will learn why federal agencies created an unnatural border and how it has affected immigration and the environment in the borderlands. This course counts as elective credit towards the History major. NOR, SOC (M. Mendoza, a visiting winter term instructor). Mary E. Mendoza , ’06, is a doctoral candidate at the University of California, Davis. She has a Master’s Degree from American University, 2010; and a Master’s Degree from the University of California, Davis (2012).

MiddView Trips Student Paid Internship application open! 
Check out the posting here: 2014 MiddView Trips Interns. The position will start part-time in January/Spring Term and then ramp up to a full-time summer internship. Questions? Contact trips@middlebury.edu.

Nature Conservancy Volunteer Work Days: Williams Woods Natural Area
Participate in the last workdays of the season at Williams Woods Tuesday, November 5 and Thursday, November 7 from 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. The Nature Conservancy will provide all the equipment and training necessary. We will be removing invasive buckthorn and honeysuckle using both physical removal and herbicide techniques in an effort to maintain the health of this rare and beautiful forest. If you’d like to join email Becky Cushing,  becky.cushing@TNC.ORG, and let me know which day. Becky will send more details and directions to the site.

Community Friends Feature of the Week
Like playing soccer or basketball? Community Friends, a campus-based one-on-one mentoring program that matches Middlebury students with Addison County children ages six to twelve, is seeking a big brother for an eight-year old boy. He loves sports, swimming and drawing. If you are responsible, have a good sense of humor and like being active, you could easily be a role model for this young boy just by meeting with him for two hours each week. Flexible meeting times on your own schedule; only requirement is enthusiasm and willingness to build a meaningful, consistent relationship. For more information about our program and/or how to apply to be this or another child’s mentor, please visit our website (go/cf) or email us atcomfriends@middlebury.edu .

Apply to the Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses, pumpkins to carve with Porter hospital residents, or turkeys to cook at the local shelter, we want to help you serve others. Visithere to find the SCB Flex Fund application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Associate Director, Community Engagement, jcalkins@middlebury.edu802.443.3099

under: Uncategorized

Nutrition Outreach Mentoring Interest Meeting: TODAY 10/28 at 7:45pm

Nutrition Outreach Mentoring (NOM) is a student organization aimed at creating community and connecting people through food and food education.  The group organizes classes that seek to teach young people and those in transitional periods in their lives how to cook for themselves on a budget and acquire the independence and knowledge that comes with it.  The aim, through “food mentoring,” is to establish healthy eating/ cooking habits, and, for both mentors and participants, raise awareness around nutrition, current food issues, and their local communities. Come to 118 South Main St. on Monday, October 28th at 7:45pm for some healthy snacks and more information on how to get involved in NOM!  For more information please emailcommunityengagement@middlebury.edu.

American Red Cross Volunteer Recruitment Meeting

TODAY 10/28 6:30 pm Middlebury Fire Station, 5 Seymour St.
For the American Red Cross, volunteers make up over 90% of the organization’s work force and are key to fulfilling our humanitarian mission. At present, in Addison County, we have only a handful of volunteers. The help extended to neighbors in our communities, whether it is in the wake of a house fire down the street or large-scale disaster response, is possible due to this corps of dedicated and compassionate volunteers. Meet with Red Cross Deputy Chief Response Officer Bruce Pollock to learn more about volunteering in Addison County. Becoming a Red Cross volunteer does not require any specialized experience, training will be provided. Questions? Contact Debbie Lee at 802-773-9159 or debbie.lee@redcross.org.Privilege & Poverty Information Session:  Paid Summer Internships and J Term Introductory Course
Come learn more about the Privilege & Poverty initiative, its’ flagship paid summer internship programs with local and national sites, and this year’s introductory course offering, Spirit of Change: Shifting the Paradigm from Poverty to Prosperity (prep for J Term course registration). Two info sessions on Tuesday, 10/29 at 12:30 p.m. and at4:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at 118 South Main Street. Light snacks provided!

After-School Homework Help Needed
Platt Memorial Library in Shoreham is looking for two dynamic volunteers to help at the library. One would be to provide one-on-one computer help for our primarily senior population of beginning computer users. Basic computer usage, internet searches, and office suite applications are the bulk of what would be needed. The second volunteer would be to provide after-school homework help for elementary school children who regularly need help with math or English worksheets. The library can be flexible with scheduling! Contact Abby Adams, Library, platt@shoreham.net. If you are interested in this opportunity but need transportation contact Ashley Calkins,jcalkins@middlebury.edu, to learn about using a college vehicle.

Trick-or-Treat for canned goods with the Volunteer Services Organization (VSO)
VSO will be trick-or-treating for canned goods this Halloween (October 31) to help HOPE (Helping Overcome Poverty’s Effects) stack up their food shelves for the winter. We will all meet at 5:00 p.m. ADK dressed in our costumes and drive into town. If you would like to participate. Please RSVP by emailing VSO (vso@middlebury.edu) with your name and cell phone number.

In this last week of October, Let’s SCARE AWAY Breast Cancer (and ALL other Cancers) by signing up for Relay For Life of Middlebury College!
For every five people that sign up for Relay For Life, there will be a drawing for 1 Breast Cancer Awareness prize! AND For every Team Captain that starts a team (1 per team!), you will receive a prize! AND For every Team that signs up 3 new participants, you will earn a VIP Contest entry! You have until MIDNIGHT on October 31st!Website: RelayForLife.org/middleburycollege

D8 Concert to Benefit WomenSafe
October 30, 2013 7:00 p.m. Mead Chapel
Come see the Dissipated Eight perform in support of WomenSafe, an organization dedicated to aiding women and children who have experienced domestic, physical or sexual violence. Bring a buck or two if it moves you, and otherwise come enjoy some sweet music.

Put your skills to work in the community: Latin tutors needed
Volunteers are needed to tutor a high school student in Latin 4 at the Middlebury Union High School Learning Lab. The students have flexible afternoon schedules and could meet during the week based on your schedule. Interested? Contact Tammi Beattie,tbeattie@addisoncentralsu.org.

Morning Reading Volunteers Needed
The Mary Hogan Elementary School Librarian Julie Altemose contacted us with this specific volunteer need: Volunteers are needed to read with students in the library weekdays from 7:50 – 8:15 a.m. Julie shares, “We have kids that aren’t reading at home and are missing recess time because of that.” Volunteers could pick the morning they come to the library based on their schedules. Interested? Contact Julie Altemose,jaltemose@addisoncentralsu.org.

Addison County Farm to School meeting
Wed. 11/6 4:00 – 5:30 p.m. Addison County Regional Planning Commission on Seminary Street.
Get involved with the Farm to School work in Addison County! Suzanne Young, local food educator, will be conducting a FREE taste test workshop for the last hour of the meeting. Learn more about taste-tasting volunteer opportunities at local schools through this workshop. RSVP to Emily Hoyler, ehoyler@middlebury.edu.

Apply to the Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses, pumpkins to carve with Porter hospital residents, or turkeys to cook at the local shelter, we want to help you serve others. Visit here to find the SCB Flex Fund application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Associate Director, Community Engagement, jcalkins@middlebury.edu802.443.3099

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Announcing the Middlebury Alternative Break (MAlt) Service Trips for February Break 2014!

The application—please read directions carefully!—is due by Thursday, October 10th online (the application deadline has now passed).

Each participant’s trip is heavily subsidized by the MAlt organization budget and donors to create an affordable opportunity for students to have an immersive service experience over break.  MAlt is a perfect opportunity to get involved with rewarding and meaningful service work during break as well as a great way to connect to a new community!

Questions? Please read this “Intro to MAlt 2013-2014”, or e-mail MAlt tri-chairs Charlotte Zelle, Rod Abhari, and Ali Lewis at middalt@middlebury.edu.

Trip Descriptions:

Grow the growers: Food justice and community empowerment in New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana
Through our week with Our School at Blair Grocery, a sustainability education and community center that functions as an urban farm, we will examine food systems in New Orleans and learn about the educational and employment opportunities that campaigns to end hunger provide. We’ll learn about topics ranging from composting to structural inequality while engaging with a totally new and urban environment. We hope that by the end of our trip, participants will have a new appreciation for the centrality of healthy food to community development, for the importance of youth empowerment, and for green gardens.
Leaders: Ellery Berk and Emily Benson
Participant Fee: $250

Malt Haiti: Exploring Different Community Development Models in Post-2010 Haiti
Ansapit, Haiti

We are partnering with AMURTEL – Haiti to explore how three NGOs based in Ansapit are all converging to bring about sustained development. Our main partner will be AMURTEL, an organization whose work in Ansapit has been centered around education and child development. The trip will have a balance between hands-on service activities and educational sessions from community leaders in Ansapit. Thus, expect to be involved in Creole lessons and discussions about the history of Haiti, as well as hot days out in the field helping with permaculture projects.
Leaders: Prestige Mzwakithi and Andres Chamorro
Participant Fee: $300

Exploring Energy: Collecting stories from natural gas production in Bradford Co., PA
Bradford County, Pennsylvania
The purpose of our trip is to explore perspectives around natural gas extraction, and to collect stories from landowners and gas field workers to share with the broader community.  We will to develop nuanced and personal understandings of what natural gas development has looked like in Bradford County. We will work with the Pennsylvania Landowner Group for Awareness and Solutions, which intended to collect such stories but has not yet had the capacity to do so.
Leaders: Teddy Smyth and Jeannie Bartlett
Participant Fee: $250

Midd Pals: Brings Dreams Closer to Reality
Society Hill, South Carolina

Midd Pals seeks to continue to build on the relationships between current Middlebury College students and our partnership with Rosenwald Elementary/ Middle School in Society Hill, South Carolina. On this trip participants will attend Rosenwald Elementary/Middle School for a week, forming meaningful relationships with the students by way of mentorship. We will be present in the classroom, run after-school workshops that deal with both social and academics issues facing the students, and be members of a panel that will allow members of the Society Hill community (parents and students alike) to get to know us on a more personal level. We hope you come and join our trip!
Leaders: Missan DeSouza and Osaze Riley
Participant Fee: $250

Girls Rising : Celebrating Sustainable Strategies for Development  in the DR
Puerta Plata, Dominican Republic
On February 8th, 2014, the Mariposa Foundation will inaugurate an innovative center that will inspire sustainable solutions to end generational poverty. Over the course of the week, we aim to become educated about how non-profits work on a day-to-day basis, to  support the Mariposa Foundation as they open their new center, and to act as positive role models for the girls that the Mariposa Foundation serves.  Join us in serving others as we explore gender, generational poverty, and the girls that are rising.
Leaders: Maddie Orcutt and Angie Walker
Participant Fee $300

Living for the Future: Intentional Communities in New England
Shuttesbury, Massachusetts
All across the country, socially-conscious individuals are coming together to live in Intentional Communities with people who share a vision of social justice. What kind of impact do Intentional Communities have on the world around them? To explore this question, we will immerse ourselves in the Sirius Community, a faith-based eco-village in Shuttesbury, Massachussets. As temporary members, we will be have the opportunity to work on various community projects, attend sustainable living modules and meditation workshops, and interact with the community members. Participants can expect to walk away from this trip with a better understanding of their role in the communities they occupy, and the role of communities in the greater society.
Leaders: Rod Abhari and Blake Anderson
Participant Fee: $150

under: Uncategorized

4/29 EIA Civic Engagement Weekly Volunteer Opportunities

Posted by: | April 29, 2013 Comments Off on 4/29 EIA Civic Engagement Weekly Volunteer Opportunities |

“Like” EIA Civic Engagement’s Facebook page here to receive opportunities and updates!


Multicultural May Event: Vergennes Elementary School
School Counselor Katie Cormier is looking for Middlebury College students to come speak with her students or do an activity about the importance of diversity for 40 minutes as part of the annual Multicultural May Celebration.  Students are available during the following days/times: May 6, 7, 8 or 9 from 9:00-9:40 (1st and 2nd graders) OR 10:30-11:15 (3rd and 4th graders) OR 1:25-2:05 (5th and 6th graders). If you are interested please contact Katie directly at kcormier@anwsu.org. If you need funding for either workshop supplies or transportation, visit go/funding and apply for a Service Cluster Board Flex Fund Award!

Middlebury Community Care Coalition: Community Garden Planting Opportunity 5/4 and 5/11
Would you like to work in an organic garden that provides produce for several free meal programs and food shelves in Addison County? On May 4th and May 11th, the Farm-to-Table program of the Middlebury Care Coalition is looking for students to help plant this community garden located at the Nash Farm in New Haven. If you are interested, please contact Doug Sinclair (802-989-9746; jdsinclair@ripton-coop.net). Sports teams and student groups are greatly encouraged to volunteer!

Volunteer at the annual Page One Reading Carnival
Saturday, May 4th 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. McCullough Social Space
Page One is a volunteer org on campus that works to promote literacy in Addison County through weekly after-school programs and one-time events, such as this Spring Carnival. This year our theme is Mysteries, so any books and crafts that you can connect to that idea are appropriate, from Encyclopedia Brown to make-your-own scratch-off secret messages to Harry Potter trivia. Email pageone@middlebury.edu if you are available to volunteer! Teams and student organizations are also encouraged to sign up!

Volunteer with VSO: A Day of Cleaning, Awareness, and Community
Saturday, May 4th, 2013 10 am-2pm Meet at Adirondack Circle at 9:45
All around Vermont on May 4th, communities will come together to clean up litter and revitalize the natural landscape. Volunteer Services Organization (VSO) will gather a group of students to do the same in and around the town of Middlebury. Together, we can promote a healthy and safe environment. Free barbeque provided by Otter Creek Brewery will be served after the event (from 12-2pm). Wear clothes that can get messy, and sturdy shoes. Email vso@middlebury.edu to sign up.


Community Videographer Needed
Sign up to video special events this spring and/or next fall for Helen Porter Healthcare and Rehabilitation Center. Add to your video portfolio while supporting this important community need. For more information email Activities Specialist Judy Doria,  jdoria@hphrc.org. Events could include a spring flower show, square dances with live music, and a lighted pumpkin patch event. Videos would be posited online for residents, families, and the community.

Community Workshop: Supporting the Healthy Sexual Development of Children
Wednesday, May 1st 5:30-7:30 p.m. Bridport Central School
Do you parent, care for or teach a child between the ages of 3 and 12?

At this workshop participants will: Understand the importance of being an “askable adult” for children; recognize the importance of teaching children to nurture and express empathy toward others; Explore how open, comfortable communication between adults and children about sexuality can prevent child sexual abuse; distinguish normal sexual behaviors in children from behaviors that warrant concern; practice responding to children’s questions and behaviors in ways that foster and promote healthy sexuality. Facilitated by: Willow Wheelock, Training and Education Coordinator at WomenSafe. Free Pizza Dinner served. Limited Space! Register Now! 802-758-2331 or lbarrett@addisoncentralsu.org.

US Tennis Association VT (USTAVT) needs volunteers for Burlington Kids Day

May 11th 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Burlington, VT
Volunteer with USTAVT to help set up mini-nets and do tennis-related activities with children! Contact Debra LaPorte, cvjtt@live.com, if you are interested!

SENIORS: Looking to stay in Middlebury another year? Like to make a difference and help others? Consider joining us at the Center for Education in Action as an AmeriCorps*VISTA! Civic Engagement in EIA is now recruiting for a new Youth and Mentoring Programs Coordinator for the 2013-2014 academic year. The primary role of this position will be to manage and coordinate programs and events for youth and education-related student organizations and initiatives, as well as work with community partners to enhance and strengthen programs both on campus and off. To find out more, please contact Nestor Martinez, current AmeriCorps*VISTA member at nmartinez@middlebury.edu or at 802.443.3010. Read more on our blog and visit go/mojo to apply!

Apply to the Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses, pumpkins to carve with Porter hospital residents, or turkeys to cook at the local shelter, we want to help you serve others. Visit go/funding to find our application under Civic Engagement Funding. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.


Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099

under: Civic Engagement, Community Service Opportunities, Uncategorized

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