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MiddAction Weekly Volunteer Service Opportunities

Posted by: | February 13, 2012 | No Comment |

Migrant Education: Volunteers needed for game day 2/23
3-4 volunteers are needed to help out with a game day activity at Bridport Elementary school from 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. on February 23rd. Volunteers will be helping with English Language Learner students in pre-kindergarten through 6th grade. Contact Carol Wood, bizaad@comcast.net to sign-up. Need transportation? Apply to the Service Cluster Board Flex Fund to fund a college vehicle or get gas mileage covered.

Love working with children? Gardening? Cooking?
If you said yes to one or more of these, then NOM’s new farm-to-school program will be just the opportunity for you! NOM (Nutrition Outreach and Mentoring) will begin its farm-to-school efforts on Tuesday, February 14th (Valentine’s Day!) from 11:30-12:00 and/or 12:00-12:30 at Beeman Elementary. Volunteers will be helping with “taste tests” during lunch period, to introduce kids to foods that they perhaps have never tried before. Transportation will be provided. For more information, email Emma Burke ’12 at nom.midd@gmail.com. NOM will also continue its regular programming, hosting cooking classes at the Charter House and local Teen Center, and volunteers are needed to help with these events as well!

College Defensive Driving Class [Required to drive campus vehicles!]
This program is required for anyone who wishes to rent a College passenger or 15-passenger vehicle. If you might want to use a campus vehicle for volunteering this semester, plan to take the last September defensive driving class! There is no cost for the class but a driving orientation (a 1 hour review on the road) is required for 15-passenger Vans and larger vehicles. Class time is about 2 Hrs. REMINDER: A valid state license is required to take the class. Individuals wanting a 15-Passenger Van license must have 3 years of driving experience. To sign up email Ed Sullivan, Sullivan@middlebury.edu. Upcoming class: February 15 9:00 a.m.

Volunteer to teach a foreign language at the Monkton Central School World Language Program
Information session: Wednesday, Feb. 22 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Twilight Hall Room 301.
Use your foreign language skills to volunteer for the World Language Program at the Monkton Central School. Monkton Central School, a K-6 elementary school in rural Vermont (located about 18 miles north of Middlebury), is part of the Addison Northeast Supervisory Union. Since 2002, there has been a successful program at Monkton Central School in which Middlebury College students volunteer to teach a foreign language and culture 6 times, once a week, for 50 minutes. The program is a valuable complement to the academic curriculum , and is strongly supported by the PTO, the school principal and the teachers…and is thoroughly enjoyed by Middlebury and Monkton students.
Attend the information session to learn more! Questions? Contact Hildgund at pgrant@together.net.

Mentors Needed
Two Bristol teens are looking for college students to spend time with. One is a 7th grade girl who enjoys rollerblading and swimming and would benefit from having an energetic female mentor. The other, an 8th grade boy, seeks an equally active and energetic male mentor with whom to explore the outdoors, bowl, bike, and play pool. Both live immediately outside of downtown Bristol, and would love college role models! For more information, please contact Emma Lennon, Mentoring and Youth Programs Coordinator, at elennon@middlebury.edu.

The DREAM Program is a non-profit mentoring organization that builds communities of families and college students that empower children from disadvantaged circumstances to recognize their options, make informed decisions, and achieve their dreams! DREAM is looking for new mentors to visit the children of the Pine Meadow and John Graham Court Neighborhoods in Middlebury on Friday afternoons. The only requirements are enthusiasm and energy to spend time with kids!
For more information, email Ali Siegel ‘12 at absiegel@middlebury.edu, and check out DREAM’s website at www.dreamprogram.org.

Missed National Mentoring Month this January? Don’t worry, you can still become a mentor!
January was National Mentoring Month, the time each year when our nation spotlights the importance of mentors and the need for every child to have a caring adult in his or her life. Now that J-Term is over and the new semester has begun, why not make one of your New Year’s Resolutions to become a mentor? Community Friends, a campus-based mentoring program that matches Middlebury students with Addison County children ages 6 to 12, is seeking mentors! Your mentee and you make your own schedule and together plan how you want to spend your time. For more information, or to apply, visit go/cf or email Emma Lennon at elennon@middlebury.edu.

Need money for service? Apply to the Service Cluster Board Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses or ingredients to cook meals at the community lunch program, we want to help you serve others. Click on “Service Cluster Board Flex Fund” here to find our application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Kid-initiated community service club: Volunteer advisor needed!

Young volunteers (2nd – 5th graders) created an organization called Hand in Hand with the mission of connecting young people through service projects. College student volunteers are needed to support this kid-initiated project by meeting with the group regularly at Ilsley Library and supporting their organization and community service ideas! Interested? Contact Kathryn Laliberte kathryn.laliberte@ilsleypubliclibrary.org.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099

under: Civic Engagement, Community Service Opportunities