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MiddAction Weekly Volunteer Service Opportunities

Posted by: | April 17, 2012 | No Comment |

Willowell garden work day
Saturday, April 21 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
This Saturday, celebrate spring by lending a hand at the Willowell Foundation’s herb garden, with lunch baked in our own pizza oven. RSVP to Julie Mitchell (eosbotanicals@gmail.com) or just show up.

Green Up Day!
Each year in Vermont over 15,000 people volunteer annually on the first Saturday in May for Green Up Day to pick up litter and do other environmental projects. This year’s projects on May 5th will also focus on Irene Recovery. Passionate students are needed to help coordinate Addison County’s Green Up Day participation including organizing a group of Middlebury College students and involving local elementary school children. Interested? Email Charlotte Tate, tate@middlebury.edu.

One-time volunteer opportunity: Vergennes Boys and Girls Club
Volunteer Services Organization (VSO) would like to invite you all to join us on a great volunteering opportunity coming up with the Boys and Girls Club of Vergennes. On Friday, April 20th from 12pm to 3pm, we will help to set up for a weekend kids’ painting event. Transportation will be provided. To sign-up to volunteer or if you have any questions please email Daniela Barajas at vso@middlebury.edu.

Apply to participate in the Hesselbein Global Academy: Funding provided for attendance
Join 50 top student leaders from across the world to learn how to be effective, ethical, and innovative leaders. Participants will work alongside distinguished mentors who will share their expertise and provide advanced leadership training. Students will emerge from the academy with the skills and experience to excel as global leaders. Deadline April 30.
Apply online at http://www.hesselbein.pitt.edu/student-leadership/overview.php
Questions? Contact previous attendee Quan Pham ‘12, qpham@middlebury.edu.

Feel like cooking on a Wednesday?
(Sweet potato poutine!)
Volunteer with NOM (Nutrition Outreach and Mentoring) this Wednesday at the Teen Center in town! Volunteers will cook and eat dinner with the teens, beginning at 4:30. It is a fun and easy way to make an impact in the community! For more information, contact the group at nom.midd@gmail.com.

Reminder: MAlt Leader applications due 4/30

Middlebury Alternative Breaks (MAlt) is accepting leader applications for February Break 2013 service learning trips. If you have a great idea for a trip, read this material:MAlt Leader App for 12-13, complete the application with a co-leader, and turn it in to Ashley Calkins in the Center for Education in Action, 211 Adirondack House, by 3:00 pm on Monday, April 30th. Interviews will be held on May 4th, 5th, and 6th, and leaders will be notified by May 11th. MAlt trips can be domestic or international, but this year we will also be looking for strong applications in the New England region. This past year MAlt traveled to El Paso, Mexico, The Dominican Republic, Boston, and Tennessee. Here’s how some MAlters described their trips in one word: community, warmth, eye-opening, growth, intense, challenging, humbling, real, soulful, marvelous, robust, refreshing, fantastic, and unforgettable. Questions? Please contact co-chairs Daniel Loehr at dloehr@middlebury.edu and Charlotte Zelle at czelle@middlebury.edu.
Need money for service? Apply to the Service Cluster Board Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses or ingredients to cook meals at the community lunch program, we want to help you serve others. Click on “Service Cluster Board Flex Fund” here to find our application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099

under: Civic Engagement, Community Service Opportunities