Voter Demographics

The Demographics of Clinton’s Supporters:




Clinton’s voter demographic statistics reflect the fact that she is a Democratic woman, with 61% of her supporters being women and 92% being Democratic or Democratic leaning. She has also captured 85% of the African American voters, compared to Trump’s 2%. Other than Democrats and African Americans, Clinton has over a 30% lead compared to Trump with post-graduate educated voters and non-religious voters.





Though these demographics represent a wide variety of the American population, Trump has the support of one very large demographic – white uneducated men. This demographic represented nearly half of the voters in 2012, which can explain why Trump has maintained significant support throughout his campaign despite his inexperience in the political realm. Clinton does not appeal to this demographic most likely for two main reasons – gender and privilege. White uneducated males find it difficult to relate to Clinton as a woman. Further, this demographic is considered to be one of the most privileged in America. However, according to the New York Times, these white uneducated males want to feel privileged but do not. Trump appeals to this with his slogan, “Make America Great Again,” and policies, such as his plan to “build a wall” with Mexico to bring back jobs for American citizens. (





Regarding Hillary’s gender, Pew Research states that 63% of women and 41% of men believe that there are still obstacles that hinder women in the workplace. Of those who share this opinion, 68% are Democratic or Democratic-leaning. Further, 70% of the people who believe women experience obstacles in the work force favor Clinton. This suggests a desire to overcome these obstacles by appointing the first female president of the United States. Just as Obama represented a symbolic revolution by being the first black president, Hillary would represent a symbolic revolution by being the first female president. Thus, Clinton’s voters are voting for her not only because of the policies she advocates and her political knowledge, but also because electing the first female president of the United States would be a historical moment in American politics. (





Similarly, the New Republic states that Clinton’s support stems from people who are not particularly passionate but do what is important in an election – vote. Though Clinton attracts a majority of the African-American and Hispanic voters, she is seen to have “highly unfavorable ratings” because she is “dishonest and untrustworthy.” (New Republic, 2016) While it is broadcasted who the typical Trump voter is – a white uneducated male – or who the typical Bernie voter is – a college student – you never hear about the typical Clinton voter. The New Republic suggests that Clinton’s voters are the less passionate ones who “are showing up to vote…in numbers that no other candidate can boast.” Clinton’s voters, therefore, are moderate in their political involvement but vote for Hillary because she is the safe choice, and, as stated above, would represent a symbolic revolution by becoming the first female president. (