Campaign Staff

Here is a look at some of Hillary Clinton’s campaign staff.  To read about more members of Clinton’s team, go to:,_2016


Robby Mook– Campaign Manager

Robby Mook has worked on many campaigns before Hillary Clinton’s, but this is the most important one for him yet.  He has been the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, helped run Clinton’s 2008 Presidential bid, and was behind Terry McAuliffe’s election as Virgina governor in 2013.[1]  However, Mook is still mainly unknown outside of the political world, but that could easily change November 8, with his candidate leading in the polls.[2]  Mook is known for negatively shaping his opponent’s personality in the media through ads, but also for creating a cooperative atmosphere, a change the Clinton campaign needs from 2008.


John Podesta– Campaign Chairman

John Podesta first met Hillary Clinton when he worked in the White House during Bill Clinton’s Presidency, when he was tasked with figuring out how to minimize damage from Bill Clinton’s scandals during his first term in office.  Since them, he and Hillary Clinton have stayed in touch, with him supporting her campaigns from afar.  This time, however, he has stepped into the driver’s seat and taken control of Clinton’s campaign.  He has been described as needing neither carrots not sticks, because “He’s John Podesta.”[3]  His focus during the campaign has been to fix mistakes from Clinton’s 2008 Presidential run, as demonstrated by his hiring experienced campaigners instead of loyal Clinton supporters for campaign staff.


Jennifer Palmieri– Communications Director

As communications director, Jennifer Palmieri is in charge of shaping Clinton’s campaign message, while also dealing with the media following the campaign.  She has been forced to keep the campaign on track throughout the many scandals involving Clinton’s private email server and the Clinton Foundation, but has managed to keep the candidate, and the media, focused on the good things Clinton has done in the past.  She has worked on campaigns before as press secretary for John Edwards’ 2004 Presidential bid, and has also worked in the White House under Bill Clinton and as part of John Podesta’s think tank.[4]




