

Creating this website and conducting the relevant research has taught me, more than anything, that Hillary is an extremely qualified presidential candidate. The ever-changing technology in America has forced her to run a modern campaign, that through the use of digital storytelling involves everyday Americans in her path to the White House. The social media strategy she employs is vastly different than even the strategy used by Obama in 2008 and 2012, simply due to the onset of new mediums. More than ever, candidate’s media looks like what you would see from following your favorite celebrities and friends. With the election just days away, I am eager to see how all of the topics on this site, from controversies to demographics, play out on election day.


After looking more closely at Hillary Clinton’s campaign, I am interested to see how campaigns in the future will look. Her campaign had many different people with specific roles to help keep her candidacy on track, and they all accomplished their jobs. Even through many different controversies, especially her use of a private email server, her campaign has stayed on track through an unusual campaign cycle.  She has also used social media to connect with more average Americans by telling stories that individuals have shared with her on the campaign trail.  I think that this election, and Hillary Clinton’s campaign in particular, has helped to determine different aspects of campaigns that will become more important in future elections.


My overall impression of Hillary’s campaign after researching it to create this website can be summarized in one word — purposeful. She has used her opponent and her experience in politics to portray herself as the progressive and safe option of the two candidates. Though I support Hillary for these qualities, the controversies associated with her name, such as the secret emails, Benghazi, and the Clinton foundation, are all significant faults. Hillary has not only artfully manipulated the publicity of these issues to consolidate support but she has also been lucky in that her opponent has often destroyed himself regarding his own controversies. Thus, Hillary’s experience in the political realm has allowed her to attract a wide base of support, which many hope will lead to her election as the first woman president of the United States in less than a week.


Clinton appears to definitely have the credentials and experience to be our next President of the United States. Her moderately liberal policy stances have been appealing to many voters especially when compared to Trump’s more extreme stances. Again, many people will cast their vote for the lesser of two evils in this election and it appears as if whoever stays out of the news will win the election. While focusing my part of this project on Clinton’s controversies, I still found her to be more truthful than many people consider her. Many of the issues surrounding Clinton were ultimately deemed inconclusive and were indirectly involved with her decisions. However, with both of the candidates still carrying plenty of baggage heading into election day it will certainly be interesting to see who comes out on top.


Throughout the election process, I have grown more and more fond of Hillary Clinton. When it first began, I questioned her authenticity and how she would change how the country is run today. However, over time, I have appreciated how dedicated and prepared she is for the job. She has had answers for every question thrown her way and answered them with great poise. While she does have her controversies, I do not believe that they discredit her from being president. Many past presidents have also had their issues. Furthermore, she has fully admitted to making mistakes, which is admirable of her. Hillary has vast experience in the political world, and I think that this will help her lead our country forward. She seems to have prepared for this job her entire life, and I think that she is ready to lead our country.