Position Statements

Hillary Clinton’s campaign focuses on many issues that cover everything the general American public is concerned about. There are six main areas of interest. Economy and jobs, Education, Environment, Health, Justice and equality, and National security. Within each of these categories, she has more specific positions that she takes. Some of the issues that she looks at overlap between the six categories.

In general, Hillary Clinton promotes progressive ideas that aim to help all Americans, not just the wealthy/privileged ones. She believes in individual rights and freedoms, and she wants all Americans to work together as a society to help those who do not have the advantages or tools to lead productive lives in our country.


Her position on the economy is to make sure the wealthy, Wall St., and corporations pay their fare share of taxes. She doesn’t want the people at the top to unfairly benefit from the work of those below them. Additionally, she believes every worker in America should have the tools/skills to compete and succeed. She promotes labor and workers’ rights and the furthering of small businesses. Clinton also wants to preserve and strengthen social security and medicare/medicaid.


Clinton’s positions on education include making college debt free and taking on student debt. She also believes every child deserves the right to recognize their God-given talent by having the proper education. Furthermore, Clinton wans to work to prevent campus sexual assault so that everyone can feel safe while at school.


Environmentally, Hillary Clinton aims to make America the world’s clean energy superpower. Climate change is real and she believes that we need to work together to tackle the issue. Additionally, she recognizes that we need to protect our animals and wildlife as they are essential to our society.

Health Care

In terms of health care, Clinton wants to expand the Affordable Care Act to include more Americans so that everyone in our country has access to affordable health care. She also believes that we need to take better care of our veterans and fully support them in any way that they need. Moreover, we need to support those who need it most, the disabled, mentally ill, those addicted to substance, and the elderly.



Justice and Equality

Hillary Clinton is a big proponent of justice and equality. She aims to reform the criminal justice system, work to end the race struggle in our country, and reform immigration. She promotes LGBT and women’s rights, and she wants tighter regulation on firearms to prevent gun violence.

National Security

In respect to National Security, Clinton believes that we have to end the threat of ISIS. It is not enough to contain them, we must defeat them. She also believes that America needs to have the world’s strongest military as we should have the best trained, best equipped military the world has ever seen.

To see Hillary Clinton’s more specific views on each of these issues, you can visit her campaign website: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/.

The following wordcloud is a sample of the words that Hillary Clinton uses in her position statements.


