MiddAction Weekly Volunteer Opportunities

February 20, 2012 World Day of Social Justice
“Social justice is more than an ethical imperative, it is a foundation for national stability and global prosperity. Equal opportunity, solidarity and respect for human rights — these are essential to unlocking the full productive potential of nations and peoples..” ~Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Message for the 2011 World Day of Social Justice

Did you miss the Student Activities Fair? Attend an informational welcome meeting to get involved with these student organizations!
DREAM Monday 2/20 6:00 pm Laforce 121
Page 1 Tuesday 2/21 5:30pm Ross B11
Community Friends Wednesday 2/22, 7:30 pm, Ross B11
Relay for Life Team Captain’s Meeting Wednesday, 2/22 7:30 p.m. Hillcrest 103
NOM Wednesday 2/22, 8:00 pm Ross B11
Juntos Wednesday, 2/22 8:30 p.m. Bihall 219
College for Every Student Thursday, 2/23 7:00 p.m. Ross B11
VSO Sunday, 2/26 3:00 pm Forest East Lower Lounge

Habitat for Humanity Spring Break Trip: Application deadline 2/24
Habitat Spring Break 2012 Application
10 Middlebury students will build with Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity in North Carolina over spring break. We will be leaving Friday, March 23rd, and traveling by one 15-passenger College van to Maryland, where we will spend the night at a Middlebury family home. On Saturday the 24th, we will drive to Asheville. During each workday (Monday-Friday) we will spend about 8 hours working on Habitat homes in the Asheville area, doing everything from constructing walls to painting. In the evenings, we hang out, play games, watch movies, cook dinner for ourselves, and have outings in the beautiful Asheville area! We drive back to Maryland on Friday, March 30th, spend the night again, and return to Middlebury on Saturday, March 31st.Fill out the attached application and drop it off in Rm. 210 of the Center for Education in Action, Adirondack House. Questions? Contact Mia Benjamin, mrbenjamin@middlebury.edu.

Charter House Homeless Shelter Training Session
Thursday, January 23th 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. Laforce Rm. 121
The Charter House homeless shelter provides shelter for the homeless in Middlebury and is completely staffed by volunteers. Volunteers are needed around the clock, for shifts of 2 to 4 hours. Scheduling is flexible. Attend this training session and sign-up to volunteer. Questions? Contact Yuan Lim, ylim@middlebury.edu.

Migrant Education: Volunteers needed for game day 2/22
3-4 volunteers are needed to help out with a game day activity at Bridport Elementary school from 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. on February 22rd. Volunteers will be helping with English Language Learner students in pre-kindergarten through 6th grade. Contact Carol Wood, bizaad@comcast.net to sign-up. Need transportation? Apply to the Service Cluster Board Flex Fund to fund a college vehicle or get gas mileage covered.

Culinary Tutor Needed
Vermont Adult Learning is looking for a tutor to work with a student in basic culinary arts. We have a kitchen on the premise and will supply all the materials, we are just in need of someone who is willing to work with our high school aged student in cooking and baking one to two times a week. Vermont Adult Learning (VAL) provides adults with essential skills education to further their educational, employment and personal goals in order to expand their options and capabilities in the family, community and workplace. Please contact Alison at Vermont Adult Learning if you are interested in helping out: abromage@vtadultlearning.org

Volunteer to teach a foreign language at the Monkton Central School World Language Program
Information session: Wednesday, Feb. 22 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. Twilight Hall Room 301.
Do you love speaking a foreign language? You do NOT need to be proficient.
Do you like working with children, Kindergarten through grade 6?
If you answer “yes” to both questions, then you are a perfect candidate to volunteer for the World Language Program at the Monkton Central School. Monkton Central School, a K-6 elementary school in rural Vermont (located about 18 miles north of Middlebury) , is part of the Addison Northeast Supervisory Union. Since 2002, there has been a successful program at Monkton Central School in which Middlebury College students volunteer to teach a foreign language and culture 6 times, once a week, for 50 minutes. The program is a valuable complement to the academic curriculum , and is strongly supported by the PTO, the school principal and the teachers…and is thoroughly enjoyed by Middlebury and Monkton students.
Attend the information session to learn more! Questions? Contact Hildgund at pgrant@together.net.

Volunteer Services Organization: Caller/Musician needed
Hope your first week back is going well! I just wanted to see if we have anyone (or if anyone knows of someone else) who can either play country music and/or knows how to lead a square dance. Specifically, we are looking for callers/musicians in order to organize a square dance with the residents at Helen Porter. Our volunteers had such a great time doing this last year, so please let me know if you or someone else you know is up for the job (we would be willing to pay)! Interested? Email vso@middlebury.edu.

United Way: Interested in fighting social injustices like homelessness, poverty, hunger, and health?
Collaborate with others students in compiling data and statistics on these injustices in Addison County for United Way of Addison County. Interested? Contact Anne Yoon, ayoon@middlebury.edu.

Use your math skills to help a high school student: AP Calculus volunteer tutor opportunity
Middlebury Union High School Student needs help preparing for an AP Calculus exam. The student is available 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Monday – Friday and a tutor would ideally meet with the student once a week through May. Interested? Contact Learning Lab coordinator Jim Burnett, jburnett@addisoncentralsu.org, 802.382.1103.

Need money for service? Apply to the Service Cluster Board Flex Fund to finance your initiatives!
Whether it is transportation expenses or ingredients to cook meals at the community lunch program, we want to help you serve others. Click on “Service Cluster Board Flex Fund” here to find our application. Email scboard@middlebury.edu for more information.

Questions? If you have questions about any of these volunteer opportunities or want to learn more ways to get involved in the local community, contact Ashley Calkins, Community Engagement Coordinator, jcalkins@middlebury.edu, 802.443.3099

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