Tag Archives: request

Laser Discs

Laser Discs (LDs) now live in Special Collections with the oversize VHS (Umatic) and LPs. None of these formats are heavily used, but they are sometimes the only version of a title, and may be requested. Here’s how a borrower can request materials from storage in Special Collections:
*Materials shelved in closed areas will display in the catalog with an email link
*Most materials can be retrieved within a day, but please allow extra time for closed periods
Staff procedures for processing storage requests can be found here.

Requesting, Retrievals, Holds and Recalls

Midd Requesting
Due to decreased staffing resources, Circulation Services will no longer be able to retrieve requested materials for on-campus borrowers. This change in service will take effect within the next couple of weeks. It has been a valued and appreciated service, but sadly we are unable to provide retrieval services in light of current staffing changes. Circ staff – please prioritize NExpress and ILL – and retrieve local requests as staffing allows during this busy time. Please direct borrowers to the shelves for self-retrieval if their requests have not been retrieved yet.

Recalls and Holds
Borrowers can continue to place holds on materials that are currently checked out. Please be aware that a hold request will not shorten the due date (recall the item), but it will ensure that the item is held for the borrower when returned. For items needed sooner than the due date listed in the library catalog, please recommend NExpress. The average turnaround for NExpress requests was 1.3 days (including weekends). Wow!

Mills Requests Work-flow in 10 EZ Steps

Be on the look-out for Mills requests.
Here is a reminder of the work-flow for Mills requests:
1. Patron logs in to Midcat at Mills, places a request to be picked up in Mills- California
2. Paging slip is generated and sorted by Main Circ
3. If item is not on shelf, a standard cancellation notice will be generated by Main Circ and the item status will be changed to “missing”
4. If on shelf, item is pulled, and then checked in, which will put the item in transit to Mills. Paging slip is placed in the item.
5. Circ will cancel the hold using the new Mills hold cancellation notice. This will alert the patron at Mills that the item will be shipped to them shortly.
6. Item is placed RUSH on Cataloging shelf @ Circ; or delivered immediately to CM area
7. CM and LS Liaison evaluate item for transfer or ILL
8. If replacement item is available, item will be transferred to the Midd at Mills campus collection
9. Cataloging will edit and mask bib record; add 949 field – which creates an item record at Mills; item will be visible in client (loc omill), but not in MidCat; ILL will ship
10. If replacement item is not available, SKIP step 9! Item will be processed as an ILL, shipped by ILL, and returned to Midd campus

LS@Mills – New Pick-up Location

Please note a new pick up location for our Language Schools at Mills College in California when paging requests.
Here is a summary of the workflow:
1. Patron logs in to Midcat at Mills, places a request to be picked up in California
2. Paging slip is generated here and sorted by Main Circ.
3. Item is retrieved
4. Item is checked in, which will generate a new hold pickup notification telling the patron that the item is on the way and may be picked up at Mills Circ when they are notified by Mills’ system.
5. If item is not available, a standard cancellation notice will be generated (refer to Circ supervisor to cancel request if not found)
6. Place item on Cataloging shelf @ Circ
7. Item will go to Collections Management, where it will be processed for Mills in the regular manner, then shipped out by ILL.

Recalls – Changes to Web Requesting

In order to improve customer and requesting services, we have recently made a change to web requesting parameters. This change will only affect requests on items that are checked out. If an item is currently checked out and a Midd user places a hold request – the system will not recall the item from the current borrower. A hold request will prevent a renewal, and the item will be held for the requester when it is returned, but the original due date is retained.
If an item is needed sooner, we recommend NExpress. If the item is not available on NExpress, we recommend ILL. If an item is not available via ILL, Circ staff can place a recall through the Mill Circ client – after ascertaining that the item is not available through NExpress or ILL.

ILL/NExpress Renewals?

Just a quick note about renewals 🙂

NExpress (blue bands) loans can be renewed up to 3 times.
ILL’s (green and pink bands) can be renewed by request to the ILL Office – ask borrowers to email (or simply forward their “about to be overdue” courtesy library notice) to MDYILL@middlebury.edu to request a renewal.

Overdue materials will require a supervisor override.
As always, please refer requests for extensions beyond these rules to a supervisor.
