Please note a new pick up location for our Language Schools at Mills College in California when paging requests.
Here is a summary of the workflow:
1. Patron logs in to Midcat at Mills, places a request to be picked up in California
2. Paging slip is generated here and sorted by Main Circ.
3. Item is retrieved
4. Item is checked in, which will generate a new hold pickup notification telling the patron that the item is on the way and may be picked up at Mills Circ when they are notified by Mills’ system.
5. If item is not available, a standard cancellation notice will be generated (refer to Circ supervisor to cancel request if not found)
6. Place item on Cataloging shelf @ Circ
7. Item will go to Collections Management, where it will be processed for Mills in the regular manner, then shipped out by ILL.
Tag Archives: Collection Management
New Location Code in Mill Circ – omill
Quick FYI:
When searching for materials in the Mill Circ staff client you may notice a new location code – omill. This code designates that the material lives at the Olin Library at Mills College in California.
These items will only display in the staff client of Millennium – and will not show up in Midcat.
The materials are for the Midd Language School programs housed at Mills College for Summer 09.
Library materials that generate the message “on the fly” when scanned must be returned to Cataloging for processing before they are returned to the shelves. Please print out the message, check the item in and place on the Catalog shelf in the Circ returns area.
Periodicals Project – counting in-library use
Starting January 5th and continuing for the foreseeable future.
Periodicals loaned out through ILL and those used within the Main Library will be counted separately
ILL will place all of its print (bound and current) and microform periodicals on a purple cart located in the Reserve Area.
Circulation staff will continue to place periodicals – either returned to Circ desk or found in their “sweeps” through the building – on the Circ returns area shelves.
Periodicals found during building “sweeps” can also be left on the wooden cart near the start of the Current Periodicals section.
Serials Dept staff will collect and count these stashes as well as stashes of microforms from atop the microform cabinets.
Once counted, the volumes will be placed on the marked shelves at the rear of the Lower Level stacks (in the PQ-PR domain) – this will include Bound Periodicals and microforms. Serials staff will shelve the counted Current Periodicals. Stacks staff will shelve the counted Bound Periodicals and microforms.
Users will be asked to help by placing issues and volumes on the marked shelves and carts in the periodicals area after using.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask Arabella.
Browsing Collections – Suggestions Wanted
To make a suggestion for titles to add to the Browsing Book and Browsing DVD Collections:
Email the Library Browsing Collection mailbox (
Place a request on the web “Suggest a Purchase” link; include in the remarks section: SUGGESTION FOR BROWSING COLLECTION
You can also contact Steve (DVD’s) or Maura (books) directly with suggestions.
Order requests – who to contact
Canceling a request will generate a cancellation notice to the borrower – text listed below is for a missing item – test varies slightly based on the reason for the cancellation.
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