Circ meeting minutes 9/24/15

* Dan gave update on carrel situation (about 60 still available). Will open to juniors and seniors Monday.
* Update on panic button estimate
* Microfilm machine is acting up again
* Kim reports the students are good, the schedule is set
* Shawn has only hired one student, Armstrong schedule is also set
* Janine deleted the mini LCD as it is unrepairable
* Students are leaving the building at closing, PS is more present at closing
* Shawn needs some more retina chargers – Janine will provide
* Shawn will plan a student lunch meeting
* Kellam reports that reserves are looking good
* Dan will check to see if he can edit the Bike Shop website. (he can’t) Until we hear differently, direct all bike inquiries to the bike shop.


  1. On behalf of your friends at the research desk:

    Can you share any advice (or even just descriptions of the problem) about the recent issues with the microfilm machines?

    Anything new to know about bike-lock rentals this year?



  2. Sometimes when you use the one closest to the circ desk, it does not display properly. The proposed solution from the vendor is to unplug and re-plug the white firewire cable from the back of the PC.

    There is no word on bikes. We’ve been directing people to the bike shop.

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