Deactivate a printer

The Helpdesk has asked that Circ staff be available to deactivate a printer when no Helpdesk staff are available. If a Helpdesk student comes to the desk and asks you to deactivate a printer, here is how you do it:

1. Go to url: and sign in using your Middlebury credentials
2. Go to the ‘Printer’ tab and use the Quick Find to enter printer you are interested in. Remember, we only care about Papercut printers. UPDATE: Please deactivate both the regular and G (guest) version of the printer in question.
3. Select the printer of interest by using the hot link – you are then presented with the Summary page for that printer.
4. At the Enable/Disable field select ‘Disable indefinitely’ to disable the printer. Go to bottom of form and ‘Apply’ change and press OK.
5. Should you need to enable a printer, follow the same steps except “enable” instead of “disable” in step 4.

If a printer issue arises when the Helpdesk is closed and you cannot do anything to fix the issue, please follow these same steps to deactivate the printer and email the Helpdesk that you have done so.


  1. Only in the event that the Helpdesk student fixes the problem and alerts you to reactivate it. Most of the time, it will fall to a Helpdesk staff person.

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