骆驼峰山门罗小路 Camel’s Hump Monroe Trail

想要领略有挑战性爬山活动的户外爱好者,这个星期六八点我们去骆驼峰山门罗小路, 一条与青山洲很有名的佛蒙特“长道”(Long Trail)连在一起的步道。这次爬山活动比以前的难一些,因此收获也会更大;走3.5英里到海拔4000英尺的山顶之后,连加拿大的山都看得到,风景美丽惊人.

For those who want to get out on Saturday for a relatively difficult (and very enjoyable) hiking experience, this Saturday we are going to Camel’s Hump Monroe Trail, which connects to the 272 mile Long Trail, the oldest hiking trail in the U.S.  This hiking experience will be harder than previous, but upon ascending the 4000 foot peak, the sights are certainly worthwhile!

具体信息如下 Information:
总共距离: 6.8英里 (~11公里)


Sign-Up 报名单: goo.gl/SPcBrx


View from the top of Camel's Hump after hiking Monroe Trail.



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