Social Network and Media in China 中国的社交网络和媒体

As you probably have known that in China foreign social network and media such as Facebook and Youtube are blocked by the “Great Fire Wall” (look it up). 在中国像脸书和Youtube等社交媒体是被防火墙封锁的。

So you may wonder what alternatives the Chinese people have in their cyber world. The picture does good summery of that. 你可能会好奇中国人的网络世界里有什么另类的选择。以下图片作了一个很好的总结。lrb_chinasocialmediaprism

Speaking of my personal experience, the Chinese websites that I visit the most frequently are Youku (for watching video), Douban (for movie and book reviews), Baidu (Internet search engine) and Tencent (for news).说到我的亲身经历,我用得最多的中文网站是优酷(看视频),豆瓣(看书评和影评),百度(搜索引擎)还有腾讯(看新闻)。

Talking about Youku, my favorite show in it is called XiaoShuo. It’s a talk show that focus on China history and culture. I highly recommend it. 说到优酷,我最喜欢的一档节目叫做晓说。它是一个专谈中国历史和文化的清谈节目。我强烈推荐。


I don’t really use Renren, but it’s the most popular social network website in China, equivalent to Facebook in the US. 其实我从来不用人人网。人人网是中国现今最有人气的社交网站。它的地位等同于美国的脸书。

Check them out if you are interested. 有兴趣的话请点击连接。


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