
A blog and a dog

Category: October (page 3 of 3)

Business Time

Cedar is two months and a day today. She doesn’t yet fully know her name–we barely do–but she stays pretty close outdoors and she seems to know that going outside means going outside. She’s not making it through the night yet without soiling her little astroturf mat, but at least she’s going there. Next step, I’m afraid, is waking up at o-dark thirty to get her out before she has to go there.

Our girl met Chris and Janell, Gwenna and her two little kids, Leif and Freya, then she went over to the Boxes, while Corey took care of her, then she got passed around a very loud kitchen and loved up by Boxes, Mosers, and Katrina and me. The night crew was really amazed with her mellow, loving spirit.

The immediate tasks this week, in addition to keeping working on the potty routine, are to get her used to being on a leash (she’s chewing it like crazy), and to keep working on her name recognition, and the Come! command.

I love this pic because the rain on her nose reminds me that she doesn’t love the rain. On many occasions, she quickly turns around to come back in in the typical October conditions in Juneau. Enough time for business, then it’s back into the warm house! Kind of don’t blame her.

See Dar!

I’m fiddling with using this blog to document the growth of a lab pup, to record meditations on our outings, and… to sniff around the interesting nooks of WordPress.

Cedar came to Juneau from Kenai October 5. She looked scared in the back of that kennel. So far, she’s been a sweet learner. Our wanderings are mostly around the yard, where she has conquered the 2″ drop from kitchen to deck, the 8″ steps, many loops under the deck and out again, an epic and ongoing battle with a boat cleaning broom, and lots of trips under boats, cars, trucks, and bushes.

My friend, Scott, teasing me about Cedar’s name–which came to me while Katrina and I were driving through a Bainbridge Island forested area–suggested it had a Norwegian fishing origin, as a fisherman might exclaim the location of some jumpers, “See! dar!”.

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