“We draw inspiration from the example of the alpha wolf, who regularly maintains pack order through a threatening growl and stare.”

The Monks

Well if the monks can growl like wolves I can use my teacher stink eye.

Cedar and I just had a standoff in the back yard where she decided not to come, from about 20 feet away. I made her sit and stay and had to circle her with a stop sign hand while she spun on her butt watching me until I nabbed her —she fought!—and dragged her in.

Cedar has been both clingy-restless, and a bit obstinate since Katrina left. Maybe she’s grieving a bit. Or maybe she’s just testing me.

Testing boundaries…

The monks recommended lots of eye contact early on and now I’m seeing the point. The old stink eye is supposed to work as part of necessary discipline. (Yup, aversives.) I’ll keep you posted, but when her nose takes over her brain, I’m not sure even the 30-year-veteran-teacher-stink-eye can reach her.

Crazy how a little pup can be so complex. One minute she’s scared of the neighbor’s fake deer, and the next minute she’s willing to risk her entire being for a nose full of crap.

As I typed the above paragraph, Cedar came trotting by with my favorite mask—ruined.

Next post: Mouthing.

Looks like the stink eye needs a little tune-up.