
A blog and a dog

Dog Licks Man

Today, while Cedar and I were taking a couple of easy laps around Mendenhall Lake, my friend and I had this text exchange. 

I’d confess that Cedar is doing a bit of wound licking these days if it weren’t for the fact that I can’t find any wounds. 

She licks her paws more than is normal, that I know. It happens both during beach walks on the sand and during and after skis. 

Tonight I spent a bit of time Googling. The AKC suggests that she could have allergies, parasites, arthritis, or other wounds—in turn suggesting that she could have a neglectful owner. To my credit, I have a vet appointment for her tomorrow. 

My research led to a rabbit hole (or maybe a fishing hole?) which yielded this gem of a 1970 letter to an editor of a scientific journal (who in titling the piece flashed some dry humor).

_Lancet_, March 21, 1970

Sir—(ahem)… I shall let you know if any of my own actual abrasions are henceforth offered to the dog (who I’m quite sure would take up the offering). 

Meanwhile, back to my buddy’s text, I may be recovering and training at the same time, and I should confess that Cedar is helping, even if it means her paws take a licking. 

(The quality part of this clip captured by Katie Bausler, whom we apparently film-bombed.)

1 Comment

  1. Tom McKenna

    March 8, 2023 at 11:30 am

    Update: Two hundred eighty three dollars and forty-three cents later, and we have a diagnosis about as specific as the AKC’s “could be”s, along with four different meds. Fingers and paws crossed.

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