Seems like indecision has been a major theme around here of late. Not for Cedar, though.

I have one piece of developmental news to report, here at Week 44 (apparently she was never really 40 or 41 or 42 weeks old if you go by my recent blog record):

Maybe not…

Maybe so…

Maybe is a funny word. As a kid, it was usually adult for NO. But really, it’s a word expressing possibility and, in the case of many of my blogs (which I realize often in some kind of “maybe-ish” speculation), equivocation.

My buddy Fred and I were chatting about the importance of decisive action for safe boat piloting. In confusing situations, with other boats trying to ascertain a course, it’s often prudent for a captain to make a decisive move, thus literally changing the facts of the situation, and changing an ambiguous situation into one with better definition. Of course there’s some tempting resonance for many life situations. Make a move and things will become clearer. The maybe doldrums can be more hazardous than rough seas.

As I was thinking these silly oversimplifications, I received an email with a request to comment on some “improvements” at Maybeso Experimental Forest. Say it ain’t so? Turns out this place full of potentiality was established in 1956 to see if clearcutting did a whole lot of damage. Um…maybe so? The good news is that it’s adjacent to a a control group forest, named, I’m not kidding, “Old Tom.”

This week, Cedar finally conquered the big log and took a walk out there herself (after many unsuccessful pose attempts, compliments of Old Tom). She’s mellowing, which is pretty cool except for her newly discovered ability to bark.

So, friends and relatives, take it from Old Tom. Make a move. The ground will hold. Others will change their course in response to your decisiveness. Clarity will emerge. Maybeso?

Cedar, not buying the navigation malarkey, posts her own watch.