I’m just old enough to remember when having a solid state t.v. was cool. No more vacuum tubes, which meant your set didn’t have to warm up. Turn it on, and the image appears. (I do remember the cool mysterious blue dot that would linger on the older kind as the image disappeared when we turned the t.v. off.) I recall a pull-out and push-in knob for power, and a mechanical dial with numbers on it for channel selection. 

That’s an awfully long warm-up (get it?) to laugh at how quickly Cedar can turn her body on and off. Here she is in “OFF” mode on the way home from Sandy Beach yesterday. The second we hit the driveway, of course, it’s a solid state Ping. She’s ready to go again and it’s as if the exercise no longer counts. What’s next?

In fairness to Cedar, she does have her vacuum tube moments, but that’s a different physics spectacle: meal time. 

Turn up the volume for the full effect.