Well, we did it. Finally. Cedar trotted and I skied one 6k roundtrip on the Montana Creek – Kaxdigoowu Héen trail today. No bodies or egos were hurt.

I should confess that we got a much-deserved stink-eye from one older skier as unleashed Cedar dashed right up to her, and I had to use my pole from time to time to enhance my persuasiveness on commands like HEEL, but there were few skiers out there, and after a while she got into a pretty good groove.

We lucked into our allstar dog sitter, Jordan, on the way back, and Cedar impressed a few dudes with her unflinching enthusiasm, despite gunfire at the range where we park.

She had a little après-ski nose indulgence on the way home, and she’s lying by my feet, sound asleep as I type. As it should be.

I might be pushing things a bit on the growth plates, and I’m not at all certain she won’t cause more trouble on a busier ski the next time we’re out, but this feels like a bit of a breakthrough.