We’re into the negative numbers. Minus 6 earlier this morning.

Cedar seems to have arrived at a bit of a truce on the morning walk. She was lying next to the heater a little extra patiently today, but we made it out, eventually. Honestly, she seems unaffected–and maybe a bit energized–once she’s outside.

I first fell in love with her amber eyes on a Labradors in Alaska Facebook page, where there are daily pics of Labs frolicking in far colder places than Juneau. (Yes, I met my wife and my dog online.) But if I were to go by the popular Lab sites, I should be bringing Cedar in when it’s 20 degrees above—that seems like about 90% of our winter so far.

As you can sort of tell from the photos, Cedar seems far more concerned by the scent of frozen nuggets (hey, here’s an occasion to use the word subnivean!) below the snow than any abstractions about thermometers.

We have the sink water trickling, all heat systems blasting, and with a weather forecast of snow then sharply warming temps and rain later on this week, I’m starting to join the chorus of Juneautians wondering when they might need to shovel their roofs.

I’m considering stealing a trick from the ravens, hiding some dog biscuits up there, and setting Cedar loose.

Chillin’ by the heater with Debbie (and miraculously, not eating Tim’s boots).