I know, I know. Shakespeare has no place in a dog blog. But my mom, the chief typist of my high school English “career” (and maybe the only one actually reading this blog–Hi Mom!) might understand. I’m sure I wrote some real schlock back then, Mom. Sorry, not sorry, because here’s more.

How could I not think of Hamlet’s lines to Horatio this morning?

There are more things in heaven and earth, Cedar,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.

They were looking at the ghost of Hamlet’s pop, but I think this thing was every bit as mindblowing to our little philosopher.

O day and night, but this is wondrous strange!

Cedar is learning. She knows her name and comes most times. She sits occasionally. She can go about 5 seconds on the leash without biting it. Wheelbarrows look different right side up. She also knows how to jump up. Knees will be meeting Cedar skull on a semi-regular basis for a little bit. (Alas, poor Cedar…) She has stayed home twice now while I’ve been out running errands or exercising.

And she’s teaching me a thing or three, I guess. One: It would be better to get a pup when the weather is not godawful. Two: There is one flower left in the entire yard. (Unfortunately she can’t teach me the name of the shrub it’s on.) And three: my maritime ghetto (as Katrina calls it) beside the house is a pretty good playground. A photo I did not capture was her adventure inside of a king crab pot.

This afternoon, we’ll try the wheelbarrow again as we put the garden to bed. Cedar “helped” to pull the last of the kale yesterday. At least now, Mom, I know where to put some of the schlock—in the compost bin.