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CCI Connect! – Education

Posted by: | January 30, 2014 | No Comment |

Hey Students,

Welcome to CCI Connect! Check out the newest internships, jobs, and CCI events postings and get started! As you browse the entries, clicking on the internship or job titles will bring you straight to the MOJO posting (you will need to sign in the first time); in many places, we’ve also provided a link to the organization. If you need help or want to talk through ideas and options, come to drop-ins hours at the Center for Careers & Internships (CCI) in Adirondack House every Monday-Friday from 2-5 p.m. No appointment necessary for drop-in hours!

What’s New in INTERNSHIPS:

  • This is your dream internship if you love art and education!  Spend the summer with the  Museum Education Summer Internship Program at The Art Institute of Chicago. (Deadline: 2/14)
  • Develop a strategic plan and recruit volunteers as the Site Director for Let’s Get Ready, an organization that empowers high school students in underserved communities by guiding them through the college application process. (Deadlines: 2/14 and 3/14)
  • Spend the summer on an island in Maine, as the Sustainability Intern at Hurricane Island Foundation, helping them develop interpretive displays for their science-based education program.  (Deadline: 2/15)
  • Another great Middlebury FoodWorks internship!  The College Farm and Food Archives Research Assistant will conduct research for Middlebury College Special Collections & Archives on alumni active in food and farming, as well as the the history of farming and food at Middlebury College. (Deadline: 2/23)
  • MiddView Trip Intern positions: Interns start working on developing the logistics for MiddView Trips, starting in spring semester through September. This would be a great position for students looking for experience in project management, curriculum development, and community outreach. (Positions not posted in MOJO — they will be open until filled.)
Image: a small, vintage woodcut of a pointing finger, pointing to this new paragraph<br /><br /><br /> INTERNSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINES THIS WEEK (Feb. 2-8):
  • No application deadlines this week.

What’s New in JOBS:

  • Don’t miss this opportunity to get a job! Apply now for a variety of jobs and interview with organizations at the Eastern College Career Day – New York (ECCD) on March 7. Click on ECCD for additional information and instructions. (Deadline: 2/9)
  • Great job for someone interested in Higher Education administration and student development.   Conduct research for high education executives on current issues and best practices in education as the Research Associate-Higher Education Research for the Education Advisory Board. (Deadline: 2/23)
  • Teach for a one to two year appointment as salaried full-time Associate Teacher with mentoring, instructional immersion, professional development, and exposure to the theories and methods of early childhood education at Beauvoir, The National Cathedral Elementary School. (Deadline: 5/15)
Image: a small, vintage woodcut of a pointing finger, pointing to this new paragraph JOB APPLICATION DEADLINES THIS WEEK (Feb. 2-8):
  •  No application deadlines this week.

This Week’s CCI Events and Upcoming Events:

  • Wed, Feb. 12, 7-8 pm Information Session for Putney Travel Travel across the US or abroad this summer leading educational trips for middle and high school students Middlebury is the #1 college from which Putney draws its student summer programs leaders! Come learn more. (MBH 104)
  • Thurs, Feb. 13, 12-2 pm CCI New Febs Open House The Center for Careers & Internships welcomes incoming Febs with refreshments and a chance to meet our staff of advisers. (Adirondack House Library)
  • Fri, Feb. 14, 3-6 pm Up Next: Careers in Media and Communications Join prominent alumni from ABC News, CBS’ 60 Minutes, NBC News, Animal Planet, and the documentary film world to learn about careers and opportunities in the Media and Communications fields. Check back for more information soon. (Axinn)

CCI Reminders and Related Notices:

  • CCI has listings of the 2013 Summer Internships that Middlebury students participated in. Check them out for ideas and feel free to contact the student interns for additional information.
  • Follow CCI ON FACEBOOK for internship and job-related stories, news, tips, and more!
  • Don’t miss this opportunity to get a job! Apply now for a variety of jobs and interview with organizations at the Eastern College Career Day – New York (ECCD) on March 7. Click on ECCD for additional information and instructions. (Application deadline: 2/9)
  • The University of Nottingham (UK) welcomes applications for its USA Masters Scholarships 2014. 20 scholarships worth 25% towards tuition fees are available for new students from the US registering on masters programmes at The University of Nottingham in September 2014 (any subject area [excluding MBA/including MRes and Masters by Research programmes]). The University will also award one $6,000 scholarship to the outstanding applicant.
  • Great summer research opportunities at Columbia and UC Berkeley in arts, humanities, humanistic social sciences and mathematics! Fellowships come with a generous stipend, housing, and travel expenses. Must be US citizen or permanent resident to apply. For more information, see http://c3transformhighered.org/undergraduate-fellowship . Application deadline is Feb. 17.
  • Applying to law school? Interested in environmental law? There’s a great full-tuition scholarship for Midd grads at Vermont Law School! Deadline to apply: February 25. The scholarship is intended for 1-2 special individuals who demonstrate environmental and public interest involvement and who can effect change. For more info, see go/fellowships !
  • New Fulbright – National Geographic Digital Storytelling Fellowship Up to five fellowships awarded to U.S. Citizens. Awardees will create multi-media stories on globally significant social or environmental topics including biodiversity, cities, climate change, cultures, energy, food, oceans, and water. For more information and to apply, visit http://us.fulbrightonline.org/fulbright-nat-geo-fellowship. Application deadline: Feb. 28, 2014. Questions? Contact Lisa Gates at fellowships@middlebury.edu.
  • Live in Israel for a year matched with top Israeli think-tanks and research institutions through the Steinhardt-Israel Institute Interns Program. applications@israelinstitute.org by March 1, 2014.
  • Summer employment as instructor or teaching assistant with the Center for Talented Youth at John’s Hopkins University.
  • Remember to also check LACN (Liberal Arts Career Network) for hundreds of great internship and job postings! Log on to MOJO and on the MOJO homepage click “Jump to: LACN” to see many other opportunities just waiting for your application. Check back frequently.
  • CCI_web (2)


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