Moving along

[Mouthwatering seagrass at Three Sister's Springs, Crystal River, FL]

The summer has quickly come and gone, and soon with it concludes my time with the EDF Oceans Program. There are several projects I am still working on and until then I look forward to those last weeks of putting together my final touches. 

From my previous post I shared three ongoing projects I got involved with as part of the EDF Oceans Humboldt team, much which is still a work in progress. I continue to work on the Humboldt Ocean Observing Systems (OOS) matrix researching and synthesizing the oceanography platforms and parameters that will set up the future OOS for the Humboldt region. I also continue to support the Latin America team in the fisheries focused webinars that have taken place throughout the summer and with it drafting a blog piece for EDF on the webinar outcomes and lessons learned for the Latin America region. 

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Latin America Ocean Observing Systems Researcher at EDF

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

In their commitment to improve livelihoods and safeguard the oceans, the work of the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) Oceans Program reflected my values and professional motivations.

My summer internship officially started with EDF on June 8th and I am excited to be working with such a lively and wonderful group of people in my EDF Humboldt Oceans team–Erica Cunningham, Brad Parks, Sergio Palma, Samuel Amoros, Nina Pardo, Ana Suárez, our EDF partners in Mexico and our scientific partners at Chile’s Fisheries Development Institute (IFOP), Peru’s Marine Research Institute (IMARPE) and Ecuador’s National Fisheries Institute (INP). A special shoutout to all of them who welcomed me to the team with overwhelming warmth and enthusiasm.

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