Maddie Warner: Summer 2022 Reflections

What did you accomplish with your host organization? What was the impact of your work?

Plastic Tides: Global Youth Mentor Program Social Media Intern

At Plastic Tides, I worked on a variety of projects to support the start of the Global Youth Mentor Program’s third year and the social media team’s efforts to share the organization’s mission and programming. My main project was to develop a grant proposal for a video interview series to highlight ocean environmental leaders. I finished out the summer with an initial draft of the proposal, and my supervisor asked me to continue on with Plastic Tides through the end of the year. I’m excited to continue my internship this semester and implement the project from the proposal.

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It’s Plastic Free July!

Hi lovely readers! Over the past few weeks, I’ve begun my CBE Fellows internship with Plastic Tides, a non-profit organization focused on educating the global community about the plastic pollution crisis, and empowering youth leaders to take action in their communities. This summer, I am designing a project to support the Plastic Tides Global Youth Mentor Program by connecting our Youth Leaders with environmental professionals and specialists through short videos. Every project needs a good proposal, so I’ve been working on clarifying the project concept into an actionable proposal, flushing out various details and determining the best methods for the videos to reach our target audiences. In addition, I am working with the Plastic Tides social media team to create posts and videos for Instagram and TikTok. Feel free to check us out on all of our pages below!

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