Blue sea, looking up from underwater at sunlight streaming through green kelp forest

Final Reflection: Kacy

What did you accomplish with your host organization? What was the impact of your work?

This summer I was fortunate enough to work with the Giant Giant Kelp Restoration Project (G2KR) and Oceana, on kelp restoration and sustainable fisheries.

At G2KR it was a very eventful summer working with agencies, recreational divers, and other stakeholders to pursue a scientific collection permit (SCP) to expand the kelp restoration project to more sites on the Monterey Peninsula. Throughout the summer we drafted an SCP application and distributed it to other interested groups.

At Oceana, I did similar work which included drafting an Experimental Fishing Permit (EFP) application to expand the testing and implementation of pop-up fishing gear off the coast of California. I presented our approach in the EFP application to many different groups that included stakeholders from fishers, gear manufacturers, agencies, and many others.

Describe the benefits of this experience for you professionally and personally?

It was actually really interesting working within two separate ocean sectors but doing similar work. This demonstrated the power and necessity of collaboration, as well as the creativity involved in bringing new, innovative gear or techniques into the marine conservation space. I was able to meet with and present to an amazing number of folks in California – my network expanded greatly!

Did your experience provide any unexpected discovery, self-reflection, or epiphany?

There were quite a few unexpected roadblocks and discoveries throughout the summer. While I cannot elaborate on the specifics, I will note that they also highlighted the importance of effective team work and flexibility while working in this space.

I am so grateful for both opportunities and the MIIS CBE Fellowship.

End of summer reflection

What did you accomplish with your host organization? What was the impact of your work?

            While working with Save the Waves Coalition, I was able to lay the foundation for a legislative bill proposal form (Leg Form) for a network of protected surf reserves, which we submitted to California State Senator, John Laird. This is essentially the very early stage of bill creation. I helped to compile resources and fill out the form that we submitted. We were able to set up a meeting with the Senator, in which the form outlined the bill that we proposed. The meeting with the Senator was informative, and based on the status of the proposal we submitted, it was concluded that the bill proposal be delayed for one year in order to garner more support for the proposal.

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Maddie Warner: Summer 2022 Reflections

What did you accomplish with your host organization? What was the impact of your work?

Plastic Tides: Global Youth Mentor Program Social Media Intern

At Plastic Tides, I worked on a variety of projects to support the start of the Global Youth Mentor Program’s third year and the social media team’s efforts to share the organization’s mission and programming. My main project was to develop a grant proposal for a video interview series to highlight ocean environmental leaders. I finished out the summer with an initial draft of the proposal, and my supervisor asked me to continue on with Plastic Tides through the end of the year. I’m excited to continue my internship this semester and implement the project from the proposal.

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