Naval Postgraduate School
Monterey, CA, USA
Ocean Conservancy
Santa Cruz, CA, USA
Cameron will be splitting his time between NPS and Ocean Conservancy over the Summer, June 1-July 31, 2020. At NPS, Cameron will work on military installation and adaptation measures against sea-level rise and extreme weather events. This position is reliant on research and outreach to all levels of government regarding policy analysis and policy development inclusive of innovative solutions. This role will also involve policy analysis, development, and coordination regarding the current US position and potential involvements in Arctic policies. He will have the opportunity to brief government officials and present his findings to the Naval Energy team.
At Ocean Conservancy, Cameron will focus on marine plastics. The majority of this role is devoted to reviewing the climate consequences of the life cycle of plastics, identifying policy intervention points, researching current legislation, and ultimately drafting recommendations for national or state policy to reduce the ocean impacts of plastic production. He will prepare a report and a final presentation for the OC team and possibly legislators.
Excited for you Cameron, and really interested to see what will come of your work. We have worked on a marine plastics project together in the past, and I am very curious on your thoughts and ultimately your recommendations for national and state policies to reduce the impacts of marine plastic pollution.