Fellowship Organization: OneReef
Fellowship Location: Bali, Indonesia
Dates of Fellowship: June 1- Aug 10, 2018
Brief Description: Jillian will be developing economic models for coral reef conservation in Indonesia. Specifically she will be working:
- To identify the most effective economic models to be pursued by OneReef in three sites in Indonesia with communities towards strengthening coral reef conservation in specific communities with two partner organizations.
- To identify needs and costs of marine reserve enforcement needs in 2 communities in Dampier Strait: training, technological needs, and on-going expenses (e.g., patrol boat, salaries for enforcement officers, fuel, buoys for snorkel and dive operations, etc.)
- To assess willingness of 2 communities in Lease Islands
- To identify viable investments in SME options which OneReef can help the community develop in exchange for the community’s effective protection of a no-take area