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Mandarin 2A Lesson 7

This week, we learned about restaurants! We went to a 餐馆, looked at a 菜单, and ordered 两盘素菜, 一盘荤菜, 和一盘炒饭。 We also had 一壶茶 and 四碗酸辣汤.

餐馆 cānguǎn restaurant
菜单 càidān menu
素菜 sùcài vegetarian dish
荤菜 hūncài meat dish
炒饭 chǎofàn fried rice (or… remember the slang definition?)
一壶茶 yī hú chá a pot of tea
酸辣汤 suān là tāng hot and sour soup


We also learned about tableware! Do you remember what these are? Try to remember what they’re called, then hover over the images to see the Chinese characters and pinyin!

Here are some sentence patterns that we learned. Your homefun is to use these sentences to tell about your restaurant experience!

我点了 (一盘豆腐、 一碗饭)。
Wǒ diǎn le (yī pán dòufu, yī wǎn fàn).

(菜)很好吃! / (菜)有很好的味道!
(Cài) hěn hào chī! / (cài) yǒu hěn hǎo de wèidào!

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