Remembering Bob Prasch

From James Berg and Matty Woodruff

Bob was an acrobat at conversation.  He could explain anything–seemingly the dullest thing–with such color, such wit, such economy, that he held you in attention long after you were supposed to go.  If you want to hear his voice again, look up an article he wrote for, say, the Huffington Post.  You will hear him in it.

Never was there a time when we saw Bob on the campus that he did not make us feel welcome, and rarely was there a time when he was eating and did not invite us to join him for his meal.  He was among the kindest, and smartest, people at the College.  It was easy to take that combination of qualities for granted, because you could always count on him for it.  But it is rare, and, now that he is gone, we see how precious it is.

Bob loved people.  Bob also loved a cat, as we recall.  Bob said once that he hated cats.  When asked why he got along so well with the cat in his house–why the cat slept on him–he said, “we have something in common; we both hate cats.”

Bob is still with us, and he will live on in all who knew him.  Bob, we will look for you next time we are in the Library Café

–From James Berg and Matty Woodruff

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