
Katie Aker
Hometown: Hainan Island in China
Currently living in: I live in Haikou and work in ChinaBlue which is the first NGO in China focused on fishery sustainable development
Current job: Deputy Director of ChinaBlue, take charge of finance, IT, and project monitoring and evaluation (M&E)
Biography: Tracy is a certified PMP (Project-Management-Professional) with over fifteen years experience of information consulting and IT project management. She once worked in Brazil as Technology Institute Program Manager of TPV group, responsible for IT innovation, from product R&D to sales management, and then served as a senior IT program manager in Hainan Airlines (HNA) group for seven years. After joining ChinaBlue in 2016, she led the development of iFISH sustainable fishery and aquaculture database, to promote the sustainable fishery development by means of data and IT innovation. Tracy has a B.S in Communication Engineering and M.S in Finance from Xiamen University.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: Learn more professional knowledge for marine protection and social enterprise innovation, to be more business thinking, and connect more crossover resources.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Beihai, Guangxi, China
Currently living in: Beihai, Guangxi, China
Current job: Beibu gulf coastal ecosystem protection project officer, Guangxi Biodiversity Research and Conservation Association (BRC)
Biography: As an NGOer, I currently working in BRC. BRC is the first local conservation NGO promoting public participation and multi-level cooperation in coastal ecosystem conservation in Beibu Gulf. I have worked there more than 4 years, with experience in protecting coastal ecosystem. I have participated in local NGOs and coordinated volunteer capacity-building, environmental education, bird protection, benthos survey, etc. Planning and organizing a lot of environmental protection activities. I want to be a guardian of coastal wetland in my hometown, to let more people know the beauty of the Beibu Gulf and protect her.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: In the BPP course, I can learn more about marine protection under the guidance of professors and experts. With the further work on the coastal protection, I need to increase the knowledge of project management and marine environment.
More importantly, I can know a lot of wise and funny BPP fellows. They are all protecting the sea in different ways like me.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Lanzhou, China
Currently living in: Shanghai, China
Current job: Senior Marketing Manager, Jingtum Tech
Graduated from KEDGE in Marseille
Previous Greenpeacer on forest and ocean projects
Now leading a marketing team in an internet company called Jingtum Tech
Have a cat called Nine Lifes
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?:
Learn new knowledge
Meet people with common interests

Katie Aker
Hometown: Taiwan
Currently living in: Monterey, California
Current job/studies: Graduate Student, International Environmental Policy at Middlebury Institute of International Studies
Biography: I am Chiao Ting, a student of International Environmental Policy at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, California. My concentration is the ocean and coastal resources management, specifically plastic pollution and illegal seafood in the global issue. I believe that the decision from the market will lead the policy, but supporting the market and political into the right way relies on the NGO’s to impact people. Therefore, I’ve been a conservator for the marine ecosystem, and I’ve learned how to teach people in a museum. Having the multi-roles on me brings me to come here.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: I am wondering to learn the experience with professors in the program, including how they build an NGO, why they decided to do it, and what the reasons they continue the work.

Katie Aker
Hometown: South Pasadena, California, USA
Currently living in: Tokyo, Japan
Current job: Seafood Legacy Co., Ltd.; Fisheries Program Assistant Officer
Biography: Louie obtained his Bachelor of Science degree in Earth Systems, Science & Policy with an emphasis on Marine and Coastal Ecology from California State University, Monterey Bay. Louie spent the first decade of his career as a STEM educator for all grade levels in the Monterey Bay area while volunteering as a Guest Experience Guide at the Monterey Bay Aquarium to share ocean conservation and sustainable seafood topics to guests from all over the world. Louie moved to Tokyo in May 2016 to join Ocean Outcomes to work to work on projects that improve sustainability of Japanese fisheries and aquacultures. Louie currently works at Seafood Legacy Co., Ltd. in Tokyo to help advance fisheries and aquaculture improvement projects in Japan.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: Considering that Asia is an important region for global seafood sustainability I am very much looking forward to gain new knowledge about multi-stakeholder conservation and resource management efforts from individual fishery and aquaculture scale all the way up to regional and national levels. I am also interested to learn about collaborative efforts across industries to advance sustainability in the seafood industry. Finally, I am excited to meet and exchange ideas with my fellow peers from across the Asian region and explore innovative approaches to building a healthy and abundant ocean together.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Changsha, Hunan, China
Currently living in: Beijing, China
Current job/studies: Program Officer for GoalBlue (www.goalblue.org)
Focuses on promoting sustainable consumption and a sustainable lifestyle.
Believes consumer behavior change is vital for sustainable development both in China and the world.
Works especially for the food programme. Currently designing the sustainable aquatic products campaign for mainland first-tier Chinese Cities.
Previously worked for China Green Shift Initiative of WWF China.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: The idea of training people to solve environmental issues with entrepreneurship.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Digos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines
Currently living in: Cebu City, Philippines
Current job: Senior Director, Program Implementation and Support for Rare – Philippines
Biography: Lito Mancao is the Senior Director for Program Implementation and Support of Rare in the Philippines. A graduate of Bachelor of Science in Fisheries from SPAMAST State University, and Professional Master in Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management from the University of the Philippines – Diliman. He is a Registered Fisheries Technologist, and has been working on coastal and fisheries for 20 years. He has worked in establishing over 30 MPAs in the country, improving governance and management for coastal fisheries in over 100 Local Government Units. Other organizations he was affiliated before Rare includes Tetra Tech, EM Inc. for the USAID –DENR’s Coastal Resources Management Project and the FISH Project; Development Alternatives, Inc. on the implementation of the Philippine Environmental Governance (ECOGOV) Project; with WWF – Philippines for the USAID – Coral Triangle Support Partnership Project. Current work with Rare includes implementing reforms for nearshore/coastal fisheries by establishing managed access + sanctuaries, improving compliance through behavior adoption campaigns, strengthening enforcement and strategic coastal and fisheries management planning through Rare’s Global Fish Forever Program.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: To learn from the program towards innovative strategy to solve overfishing and other ocean – related issues; To share, learn and establish a network with other participants from countries attending on solving problems concerning ocean conservation and sustainable use of the marine resources.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Hong Kong
Currently living in: Hong Kong
Current job: Project Manager, Oceans Conservation WWF-Hong Kong
– manages fisheries related marine plastics projects in HK
– oversees budgeting and workplan for global plastic initiatives by WWF International
– also works as a part-time in a community-led polyfoam recycling project to assist the operations of the recycling factory
Biography: Anniqa has been working in conservation groups for more than 8 years. She started her career in conservation with an education position. She is experienced in intertidal conservation, citizen science and public engagement, also the formal and informal education initiatives by leading conservation school programs for high school students and teachers. Besides these, she had participated in an international youth volunteer body for 7 years; given chances to serve the community and meet people from different countries with different backgrounds.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: The training on conservation entrepreneur project design and management could help me develop the hard and soft skills in my career. Also I would love to meet different experts in the field to learn from each other, especially the Chinese fellows to learn from the trend/strategy in marine conservation in China, where there is a huge demand and potential for more initiatives.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Jinzhou, China
Currently living in: Beijing, China
Current job: Executive Director of Better Blue
Biography: Scuba instructor. Founder and Director of Better Blue, chief representative of Project AWARE in Greater China, and the ambassador of Project Seahorse. Winner of 2018 UN Environment Young Champion of the Earth.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: Strong community and systematic training system.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Shenzhen, China
Currently living in: Shenzhen, China
Current job/studies: xFactory Business Relations/AgTech, Columbia University MPA
Biography: Graduated from the University of Virginia in 2015, worked for The Nature Conservancy in marine, land and urban conservation. Hopped into finch in 2018 to bridge finance, software and conservation. In 2019, joined xfactory to establish fork to plate agtech supply chain in Hebei, China. Future focus: impact investing, marine and agriculture tech.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: Very interested in learning more about the global sustainable fishery supply chain and possible business opportunities as well as current state research in developing nations. Would also love to learn more about incubation and startup building.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Seoul, South Korea
Currently living in: Seoul, South Korea
Current job: Coordinator / IUU fisheries problems in coastal areas / Korea Federation for Environmental Movement (KFEM)
Biography: I am a KFEM coordinator dealing with the ocean issues especially on deterring IUU fisheries in coastal and distance water fisheries. Before I joined KFEM, I got MA degree on International development of civil societies, and was involved in that field. I am a dreamer who believes the world will be getting better someday. The curiosity about justice, inequality, poverty, capital and exploitation in this world led me to civil society organizations.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: How to make citizens get involved in the ocean protection campaign together? I am looking for good practices of civil participation in ocean campaigns. I expect I will be able to get the useful tips to deal with the issues such as IUU fisheries, ocean pollution, plastic, and you name it. Any kinds of practices are very helpful for me and KFEM.

Katie Aker
Hometown: HaiTou Town, DanZhou city, HaiNan province, China
Currently living in: LaoShi village, HaiTou Town
Current job: The head of LaoShi Community & Civil engineer
Biography: I’m a civil engineer. I went back to my hometown LaoShi village and found a library, that would be like an education hub for the community. And I also volunteer as a football coach at a local elementary school. The children like to learn to play football and practice environmental protection with me.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: The vision and the method.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Alotau Milne Bay Province (Papua New Guinea)
Currently living in: Alotau Milne Bay Province
Current job: I am a Marine Biologist and a member of the Coral Sea Foundation Sea Women of Melanesia Team. I am currently working alongside local landowners in Ginewa, North-East of Alotau Milne Bay Province on creating a locally Managed Marine Protected area with the assistance of the Coral Sea Foundation (www.coralseafoundation.net)
Biography: I graduated from the University of Papua New Guinea with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology with very strong interests in marine biology and ocean conservation. I underwent a two week turtle tagging monitoring program facilitated by the Conflicts Island Conservation Initiative in Milne Bay Province, tagging and monitoring the populations of endangered hawksbill turtles, taking genetic samples, egg relocation and turtle biology (https://www.cici.net.au/single-post/2018/12/17/GUEST-BLOG—Martha-Eimba-Marine-Science-student-at-University-of-Papua-New-Guinea). I am a certified PADI open water diver and a member of the Sea Women of Melanesia Team established by the Coral Sea Foundation (www.coralseafoundation.net) which empowers young PNG women with scuba diving and coral reef science and survey skills to help them take a lead role in community engagement and the creation of marine reserves at the grassroots level.
What Interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: The thing that interests me most about the Blue Pioneers program is that it engages learners who seek actionable strategies. I come from a country where more than 70% of women are assaulted in their lifetime and systematic discrimination against women is present throughout the political and educational systems and as a woman it has been very difficult trying to address issues such as climate change, plastic pollution and the importance and benefits of preserving marine ecosystems at the grass root level. I see myself as an engaging learner and the Blue Pioneers Program provides an opportunity for innovative learners to meet and learn from the experiences of others who share the same passion for ocean conservation, equipping them with the necessary skills to take on lead roles in their respective communities or countries. Women like me can learn how to approach and overcome ocean conservation issues from different angles using various actionable strategies. Blue Pioneers Program is not gender biased and provides equal opportunity for all.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Neijiang, Sichuan province, China (Southwest China, homeland for panda)
Currently living in: Haikou, Hainan province, China (Hainan boasts the largest sea area of any province in China, Hainan is the second largest island in China and located in the South China Sea)
Current job: I’m responsible for the research and development of iFISH (China sustainable aquatic products database project) and Aquaculture Improvement Projects (Tilapia, Hainan).
Biography: I have a background of 7 years research of aquaculture. Part of my work is to lead the partnership development program with public research institutes, universities and companies. Prior to China Blue, I served as a researcher assistant (Recirculating Aquaculture System, Pond environmental protection breeding mode) in Institute and company. Recently I have just finished a research report ‘Sustainable development report of hainan tilapia industry 2017-2018’ with my colleagues, call on practitioners to protect the water environment and provide guidance to them.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?:
1. Find like-minded partners (marine conservation and protection, Sustainable Aquaculture)
2. Improve aquaculture through transdisciplinary research and crossover innovation of technology.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Zhangye, China
Currently living in: Tianjin, China
Current job: Project Director, Tianjin Binhai Environmental Advisory Service Center:
Investigate industrial areas distributed along the Bohai Sea, expose and report illegal activities, reduce industrial waste water into the ocean, and improve water quality in coastal waters.
Biography: In 2013, as a volunteer, participated in the Tianjin pollution investigation.
In March 2014, it took three months to investigate the illegal discharge of waste gas from a chemical plant next to the university campus. Finally, the factory was subject to administrative punishment and stopped the pollution behavior. Since 2015, he has conducted investigations on multiple water pollution sites in northern China, specializing in on-site investigation and advocacy communication, and using environmental legal means to help local residents solve pollution problems.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: How to effectively reduce the impact of industrial pollution emissions on the ocean, this is a problem that needs to be explored, I hope to find the answer in BPP.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Currently living in: Shanghai
Current job: Founder & Director of Shanghai Pudong Yixing Biodiversity Research Center
Biography: I graduated from Shandong University with a master of history. In 2017, I founded and served as the director of the Shanghai Pudong Yixing Biodiversity Research Center. I am committed to public education on marine biodiversity conservation, mainly for young people and their families to carry out community and school publicity activities.
In 2018, my colleagues and I completed the edition and publication of five picture books of “Marine Baby Stories Series”, which are special for children aged 2 to 6 years. These series described stories of 5 marine endangered species including turtle, seahorse, harbor seal, Chinese white dolphin and nautilus.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: I would like to know more about the ways and means of public education on marine biodiversity conservation, broaden our minds and answer puzzles. I hope to learn more from my colleagues and make more friends.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Currently living in: Singapore
Current job: Chief Growth Officer, Mana Impact Partners
Biography: Patti’s experience ranges in the fields of banking, access to finance, education and renewable energy. Her wealth of project experience includes working with banking institutions in China to offer microfinance products to MSMEs; Evaluating Lego Foundation’s grantee portfolio in Asia and creating a new strategy for the region; Analyzing and implementing improvements to increase production efficiency and lower costs for Siemens wind power division.
Patti is a native of Argentina and has working experience in Latin America, the United States, Asia and Europe. She has a B.Sc. in Business Administration from the University of Richmond, and a M.A. in International Development and Economics from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. She speaks Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese and Danish.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: I have a personal interest in marine life and ocean conservation. On the work front, I focus on investing and supporting ocean and water technology related ventures. I am therefore interested to learn about the different solutions that have been utilized around the world to tackle some of the latest problems and challenges in the blue economy. I would also like to contribute my skills and knowledge to coming up with new solutions. Lastly, I would like to build long lasting relationships with the other fellows and professors so that we can together be part of a movement and change tides.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Koror, Republic of Palau
Currently living in: Koror, Republic of Palau
Current job: Fisheries Coordinator, The Nature Conservancy
Biography: I am born and raised in Palau. I am married and with two kids. I went to school at Port Angeles Community College in Washington State, graduated with Associates of Arts Degree. Prior to The Nature Conservancy, I served 12 years as Foreign Service Officer, Bureau of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of State of the Republic of Palau. I have been with TNC for four years working on various projects from coastal fisheries to electronic monitoring on longline fishing vessels.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: Meeting new people and learning from them and what the program has to offer.

Katie Aker
Hometown: Bath, United Kingdom / Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Currently living in: Cambodia
Current job: Marine Programme Manager, Fauna & Flora International – Cambodia
Biography: Marianne is a marine environmental scientist with a commitment to ocean sustainability in Asia. Brought up Southeast Asia, educated in the United Kingdom and now living and working in Cambodia, Marianne manages a programme that strengthens national and local capacity for marine conservation and sustainable fisheries management. Following training at Imperial College London, she supported marine research in Indonesia, Madagascar and Malta; worked on blue carbon research with an international NGO; led coastal research and monitoring with a local NGO in Cambodia; coordinated and collaborated on the global Ocean Optimism campaign; and managed southeast Asia regional operations with a social enterprise.
What interests you about the Blue Pioneers Program?: My goal in Cambodia is to create a socially and ecologically connected network of MPAs that are well-managed and sustainably financed, and my wider vision is to be able to facilitate regional collaboration, partnerships and investment towards coastal and marine conservation initiatives in Asia. Underlying these goals is the need to strengthen collaboration with influential countries like China.
I’m keen to discuss innovative methods, partnerships and leadership strategies to reach these goals, while building connections with and learning from other passionate individuals on the Blue Pioneers Program. I’m looking forward to developing a strong professional network that can perhaps act as a connector for meaningful and collaborative ocean sustainability investments in the region.