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‘NextGen South Carolina’ Category

  1. NextGen Youth Learn, Write, Listen, Share, Act, Love, and Dance across Difference


    May 31, 2023 by Tom McKenna

    Here are a few of the school year’s events and highlights from the BLTN’s youth leadership network, BLTN NextGen. To …
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  2. NextGen Confronts Violence


    May 31, 2023 by Tom McKenna

    On May 18, NextGen members and supporters gathered to discuss safety and violence in their communities. The meeting had an …
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  3. “We Be Family”: A Student and Teacher Collaboration


    May 28, 2021 by Tom McKenna

    “It was very fun writing a chapter together,” comments Kayla. “We laughed reviewing memories to build the chapter. We learned …
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  4. Changemakers and Filmmakers: Vermont and South Carolina Students Learn from One Another


    May 21, 2020 by Tom McKenna

    “…This is why we do this—for youth to learn ways to better understand themselves and help to change their worlds…”

  5. Local Challenges and a Better World


    June 21, 2019 by Paul Barnwell

    I was finally able to see what and how I could help my community. I have been able to help kids with schoolwork and show them why school is important. I have helped to lead family literacy nights with my group to show people that even though we might not all look alike we can have the same goal.

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