Middlebury’s new biomass gasification plant connects climate, energy, and community for a more sustainable energy future. For almost a decade, carbon reduction has been a community driven initiative at the College, and in 2007 Middlebury set a goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2016. The completion of the biomass gasification facility marks a significant milestone toward that goal. Students, staff, and faculty from many different departments across campus were involved at every stage of this project.
Middlebury Biomass by the numbers
12,500 metric tons: CO2 saved annually
40%: percentage of Middlebury’s total CO2 output cut
1,000,000 gallons: Amount of No. 6 fuel oil saved (50 percent of current use)
3,554 statute miles: distance oil must travel to Middlebury, minimum
75 miles: distance wood must travel, maximum
20,000: tons of chips needed per year
0 carbon released from burning chips minus carbon absorbed by growing trees
99.7%: efficiency of biomass plant’s exhaust system in removing particulates