Course Expectations


1) Participation: Students are always responsible for preparing the assigned texts for in-class discussion.  Participation is factored into the grade; therefore, unexcused absences will have a detrimental effect on your overall participation grade.  Excused absences must be confirmed by your Common’s Dean in an email to me or a physician’s note.

2) Papers: Because ARBC210 is a college writing course, written work will make up the lion’s share of your graded work and, ultimately, your final grade.  You will be responsible for four three-page and two six-page papers at two-week intervals.  Each paper must be submitted electronically to me as a pdf file by 5:00pm on the day it is due.  I will supply the topic or topics for each paper.  Keep in mind that writing a paper is multi-stage process and that I will typically require revisions of your papers.

All written work (including the minor written assignment) must conform to the following guidelines:

  • font no larger or smaller than Times 12
  • double spaced
  • 1 inch margins, all sides
  • page numbers, bottom center
  • parenthetical source information following citations.  Examples:

Textual citation (book): “Beduoin ways were hard even for those brought up to them, and for strangers terrible: a death in life” (Lawrence, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 31).

Textual citation (article): “The desert has an irresistible fascination for those who have never been through it” (Rihani, “Romantic Deserts of Fact and Fiction,” 45)

Unless accompanied by a note from your Common’s Dean or a physician’s note, late papers will be penalized.

3) Exam: There will be short identification exams every other week to reward students who are keeping up with the readings.