Internationalization in Higher Education


The Government is Responsible for:

“Promoting the internationalization of political, economic, social, and ecological relations based on equality, reciprocity and national interest”(Jaramillo, 2006.)

Law 30 for Higher Education of 1992:

“Higher Education institutions are responsible for stimulating, training, strengthening academic communities and coordinating with other bodies at an international level”(Jaramillo, 2006.)

In 2006, several obstacles were noted in fully internationalizing the Colombian higher education system. The following chart depicts those obstacles:


Taken from source 2 below: p.203.

Colombia Implemented a National policy on education 2011-2014 that addressed the majority of the obstacles pointed out in the chart above (ICEF Monitor, 2013.) The following tactics were highlighted in this national policy as necessary toward internationalization:

  • Provide a global dimension in all academic programs
  • Link the internationalization and the accreditation processes
  • Add second language requirements into the curriculum
  • Increase student and faculty mobility
  • Incentivize institutions to create partnerships for teaching and research
  • Work on coordinating organizations creating scholarships for students to study abroad
  • Increase Colombia’s presence in relevant international organizations
  • Increase communication between offices of international education to share practices


1. ICEF Monitor. (2013). Colombia seeks the best path for its tertiary sector. Retrieved from

2. Jaramillo , I. (2006). Higher education in latin america. Retrieved from