Organizational Structure and the National Ministry of Education

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Chart taken from La Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango del Banco de la República

The chart above represents the organizational structure of the Republic of Colombia. To left there are the Branches of Public Power which include the executive, legislative, and judicial branches. In the executive branch lies the power of the president of Colombia.  The president is given the power to represent the country internationally, design treaties with other countries, appoint ambassadors, appoint ministers and directors of administrative departments, and monitor the education system according to the law.

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Therefore the president essentially appoints the ministers who make up the National Ministry of Education.  These ministers are responsible for formulating policies and administering reforms pertaining to education and the law.

The National Ministry of Education (MEN) promotes prosperity for everyone.  They work with the advice and support of their attached and related entities to formulates policies and serve the current and future needs of the country.

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Chart taken from the Departamento Administrivo de la funcion publica

While the president holds a lot of power in the appointment of the ministers, the education sector is decentralized.

As can be seen in the chart to the left, many institutes and organizations such as ICETEX and ICFES are able to set their own guidelines as long as they are in line with the greater structure of the MEN.  Other Universities are completely autonomous such as the Universidad Nacional de Colombia or the Universidad Sur Colombiana.



1. La Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango del Banco de la República. (n.d.). Organización del estado colombiano. Retrieved from

2. Departamento Administrivo de la funcion publica. (2011). Manual estructura del estado colombiano. Retrieved from