TIAA-CREF Open Meetings

WHEN: Thursday, March 29, 2012  9 am to 10 am or 12 pm to 1 pm WHERE: Mitchell Green Lounge, 3rd Floor McCullough Please join Erik Moreau our TIAA-CREF Field Consultant in March for a live demonstration of the website and its capabilities as well as a tour of the Middlebury College micro-site at These…Continue Reading TIAA-CREF Open Meetings

HR Update: TIAA-CREF One-on-One Counseling with Erik Moreau

If you are interested in scheduling an on-campus, one-on-one visit with Erik Moreau, consultant with TIAA-CREF, to discuss your retirement plan investments, he has confirmed dates he will be on campus for the first half of 2012. Please review the schedule below and call Erik’s assistant, Melissa Prunier, at 866.904.7801, ext. 275142, to schedule an…Continue Reading HR Update: TIAA-CREF One-on-One Counseling with Erik Moreau