Susan Burch earns fellowship to support National Archives research

Susan Burch (American Studies and Center for the Comparative Study of Race & Ethnicity) has been awarded a fellowship from the National Archives and Records Administrative through its 2013 Regional Residency Fellowship program for research at the National Archives regional facility at Fort Worth, Texas in connection with her book project titled, Dislocated:  Removals, Institutions and…Continue Reading Susan Burch earns fellowship to support National Archives research

Roberto Pareja awarded DOE fellowship

Roberto Pareja (Spanish and Portuguese) has received a Department of Education Summer Library Research Fellowship in Latin American Studies at the University of Pittsburgh for research during Summer 2013 on  political subjectivities in Bolivia during the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century. He will be using the resources of the renowned Eduardo Lozano…Continue Reading Roberto Pareja awarded DOE fellowship

Svea Closser awarded NSF grant for work in Ethiopia

Svea Closser (Sociology and Anthropology) and a colleague from Oregon State University have been awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation for a project titled “Health volunteers in rural Ethiopia: Discourses and experiences of status, motivation, and wellbeing.” Svea’s portion of this grant was awarded through NSF’s Research in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) activity, and she…Continue Reading Svea Closser awarded NSF grant for work in Ethiopia

Brett Millier receives Fulbright Scholar award

Brett Millier (English & American Literatures) has received a 2013-2014 Fulbright Scholar grant in support of her appointment as a visiting professor at the University of Yaounde I in Yaounde, Cameroon. She will be teaching American Literature in the graduate program of the Department of English and advising masters and doctoral students….Continue Reading Brett Millier receives Fulbright Scholar award

Susan Burch awarded NEH Summer Stipend

Susan Burch (American Studies and Center for the Comparative Study of Race & Ethnicity) has been awarded a Summer Stipend grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities in support of her book project titled Dislocated: Removals, Institutions, and Community Lives in American History. Burch’s work centers on “dislocated histories” from South Dakota’s Canton Asylum, the only…Continue Reading Susan Burch awarded NEH Summer Stipend

Matthew Dickerson Earns NSF Supplement

Matthew Dickerson (Computer Science) has received a Supplement to his grant from the National Science Foundation that funds a project titled Teaching Computational Thinking through Multi-Agent Simulation. The additional funding will enable him to continue work on the project this summer, with special focus on disseminating the course that he’s been developing and working on…Continue Reading Matthew Dickerson Earns NSF Supplement

Elizabeth Morrison receives grant for Beijing trip

Elizabeth Morrison (Religion) has received an AAS-CIAC Small Grant from the China and Inner Asia Council of the Association of Asian Studies. This grant will help to fund a library trip to Beijing during her 2013-14 leave, thus providing support for her research project titled Finding One’s Place in a Story of Decline: Medieval and…Continue Reading Elizabeth Morrison receives grant for Beijing trip

Kathryn Morse Earns Fellowship at Harvard

Kathryn Morse (History and Environmental Studies) has been awarded a fellowship from the Charles Warren Center for American Studies at Harvard University that provides support for her 2013-14 leave. She will spend the year participating in the Center’s workshop on “The Environment and the American Past” and working on her book project titled The View…Continue Reading Kathryn Morse Earns Fellowship at Harvard

Peter Nelson Awarded HUD Grant

Peter Nelson (Geography) has received funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to develop a research partnership with HUD in conjunction with his ongoing cooperative research with the Economic Research Service of USDA. This expanded collaborative effort will use American Housing Survey Micro-Data to further analyze the geography of high cost…Continue Reading Peter Nelson Awarded HUD Grant