Please sign-up for sessions at

If the session you would like to attend is filled, please contact Joe Antonioli via email

 Online Identity: Your Story to the World @ 1pm

Date: January 19, 2015

Instructor: Joe Antonioli – With every click, post, tweet, checkout, like, search, digg, friend, tag and other activities we have created a record of our time spent interacting with web sites that are viewable from anywhere in the world. What do our web sites and social media activity say about us? This workshop will explore the meaning that others give to our online identities, and present some strategies for managing our identities in the digital space. NOTE: Attendees must be comfortable with having their name searched for.


Portfolios Using WordPress @ 2:45pm

Date: January 19, 2015

Instructor: Heather Stafford – WordPress is best known as a blogging platform, however its flexibility and ease of use also makes it a great option to use to display your digital work. Join us as we explore the best way to configure WordPress as a showcase for your expertise. Participants should come prepared with some ideas and materials that they wish to highlight.


Moodle and WordPress @ 2:45pm

Date: January 20, 2015

Instructor: Joe Antonioli – Most course sites at Middlebury are built using either Moodle or WordPress, here we will look at the features and benefits of both services.


Exploring SecondLife and 3D Virtual Worlds @ 1pm

Date: January 21, 2015

Instructor: Joe Antonioli – Yes, Middlebury has an island. This workshop will introduce participants to 3d virtual spaces, and their place in education.


Crafting Digital Narratives with Scalar @ 2:45pm

Date: January 21, 2015

Instructor: Alicia Peaker – From non-linear storytelling to rich, scholarly annotations, this workshop will encourage new ways of thinking about writing in digital environments. Using a web application called Scalar, you will begin to craft a media-rich digital narrative. Scalar is a free, open source authoring and publishing platform that’s designed to make it easy for authors to assemble media from multiple sources and juxtapose them with their own writing in a variety of ways. (


Adobe Illustrator @ 1pm

Date: January 22, 2015

Instructor: Mack Roark – In this workshop, you will learn to use basic editing tools and some fundamental design concepts. The workshop is taught as though it were a class teaching students to design a poster for a class or seminar. It is the same instruction that participants in the Spring Student Seminar receive.

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