As you read the final work of First-Year Students this semester, please keep in mind The Paul Ward ’25 Prize in Writing for First-Year Students. Students nominated for this prize are invited to train as Peer Writing Tutors and as First-Year Seminar Mentors for Academics and Writing. We encourage you to nominate talented First-Year students.
The Paul Ward ’25 Prize in Writing for First-Year Students

            Each year the Writing Program solicits nominations for the Paul Ward ’25 Prize in Writing for First-Year Students.

            The $500 first prize and two $250 second prizes are presented annually to the first-year students whose writing best exemplifies, in the words of the bequest, “the use of basic English as the writer’s most necessary tool: precise and exact usage of words, exact meanings, phrases expressed lucidly and gracefully.” 

            Every student whose writing is submitted will be recognized at a presentation reception on the Friday afternoon of Family Weekend next October, and will be invited to train as a peer writing tutor and/or first-year seminar mentor for academics and writing.   Please help identify and encourage academic excellence in the Class of 2015 by sending a copy of your first-year students’ best papers to Mary Ellen Bertolini (  or CTLR, Davis Family Library, Suite 225).  Call (x3182) if you have any questions about eligible work. 

Mary Ellen Bertolini
Associate Director, Writing
Center for Teaching, Learning, and Research
Davis Family Library 225E
Middlebury College


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