Final Prompts

Take Home Final


1) You should write in response to one of the two prompts below.

2) Be sure you have an overarching argument that unites your treatment of the different sources you’ll examine.
3) You should work with 3 different sources by three different authors/painters/architects etc. You shouldn’t choose works by a writer or painter about whom you have already written. So, for example, if you’ve turned in an essay on a Copley portrait, don’t write again about Copley.
4) Feel free to talk with other in the class about this work, and I encourage you to share ideas, if that’s helpful. When you sit down to organize and write the final work, you should do that on your own. The final expression must be in your words.
5) The assignment doesn’t require you to consult sources beyond those we have used in class, but if you do that, be sure to cite all sources correctly.
6) Feel free to use parenthetical citations including the author’s name and the page numbers from assigned materials. If you use additional sources, then you must provide a full citation.
7) If you write on visual images (architecture, paintings, etc) be sure to include the images at the end of your work.
8) You may submit the work via email, if you’re away from campus, but you can’t blame the internet if the work is late. If you’re on campus, I’d much prefer that you submit a hard copy.
9) The work is due Friday, Dec 12, by 4pm. It should be about 9-10 pages long, double-spaced, in a 12-point font.

Good luck. Happy holidays.

1) Explain how 3 different cultural forms functioned in the hands of particular authors, artists, or other creators. If you already wrote a paper substantially devoted to on one of these forms, do not treat it again. So, for example, if you wrote your essay on Copley and portraiture or Mather and the Execution Sermon, exclude them from this discussion. Some of the cultural forms that we discussed include: the portrait, the exploration narrative, the execution narrative, the captivity narrative, landscape painting, drama, and the plantation house.

2) How do 3 different texts/paintings/objects produced between 1770 and 1830 conceive of the model American citizen? What does this ideal figure do? Where do the three texts share a vision and where are they in conflict? Who seems to be implicitly included and excluded from particular models of citizenship?

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