Class, Culture, Representation

Week 2 Day 1 Discussion Question 1


Your reading for today includes Melvin P. Levy’s essay, “Class War in Harlan.”  Levy was one of the leftist writers who, along with Theodore Dreiser, John Dos Passos, Sherwood Anderson, and others, went to Harlan County in 1931 to document “terrorism” perpetrated by coal operators and “gun thugs” against striking miners.  How does Levy characterize the miners?  Does he regard them as equals to himself and the other members of the Dreiser Committee?  How does he characterize the mine owners and their guards? Do you find Levy’s account believable?  Why or why not?

Author: Holly Allen

I am an Assistant Professor in the American Studies Program at Middlebury College. I teach courses on nineteenth- and twentieth-century U.S. cultural history, gender studies, disability, and consumer culture.

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