Class, Culture, Representation

Week 13 Day 2 Discussion Question 3


In “Great White Hopes,” Arlie Russell Hochschild writes the following:

So what now? Trump has made some big promises that may be very hard to keep. He’s vowed to stop the outward flow of blue-collar jobs to Mexico and reverse the trade deficit with China. But what if jobs continue to disappear not through offshoring, but through massive automation? What if the deficit with China grows? Disappointment is bound to follow, and soon after that, the search for someone or some group to blame. Understandably, in the euphoria of their victory, this line of questioning didn’t come up among my Louisiana friends. But it’s not too soon for us to start thinking about it.

Do you think that Trump will be able to keep his promise to restore American industry — and American industrial workers — to their former greatness?  Have you considered what might happen if Trump fails to restore American manufacturing jobs?

Author: Holly Allen

I am an Assistant Professor in the American Studies Program at Middlebury College. I teach courses on nineteenth- and twentieth-century U.S. cultural history, gender studies, disability, and consumer culture.

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