Web Project Rubric




0-2 points

Partially Proficient

4-6 points


8 points



10 points


Information is incomplete or not correct. The web page does not have a clear purpose or central theme.

Information is not always clear or correct. The theme or main idea of the web page does not relate clearly to broader course concepts or themes.

Web page cites at least one relevant course reading.

The content has accurate and useful information. The theme or main idea of the web page is clear and related to broader course concepts and themes. Web page cites two relevant course readings.

The theme or main idea of the web page is clear, and pages link to related information. The content has accurate and very useful information. The theme or main idea is very clearly related to broader course concepts and themes. Web page cites three or more relevant course readings and/or outside sources. The web pages link to quality information.



Difficult to understand the main idea, many errors in spelling, grammar.

Easy to understand, with some errors.


Clear, concise, and basically well written; still has a few errors.


Clear, concise, and well written and edited with no serious errors.



Navigation is unclear and/or some links are broken. Pages are fairly navigable but order is unclear; most links work. Page order is clear; pages are well labeled; navigation is easy; links work. Pages with clear order; labeling and navigation is clear; links work. Original digital content (e.g., video clips, graphs, word cloud analysis).


Layout has no structure or organization. Text broken into paragraphs and/or sections.

Uses headings; sections labeled;

organized and consistent; good formatting.


Appearance of the page looks professional.



No images, or images that are the wrong type and/or improperly cited. Images related to page/text. Images too big/small or poorly cropped or have color problems and/or improperly cites

Images are related to page/text and most are properly cited. Most images are correct size or resolution.


Images have strong relation to page/text and are properly cited. Images have proper size, resolution, colors, and cropping.



No source citations. Minimal source citations. Most sources consulted are cited. Web site includes a comprehensive list of sources cited.

Adapted from the UW-Stout School of Education Web Project Rubric.