
This project would not have been possible without LOTS of help from many people. A simple ‘thank you’ is not enough, but, for now, it’s all I have:

First, and foremost, to my Dad, who agreed to this project without hesitation.

To Louisa and Pete for listening to my drafts and rantings and telling me I could do it.

To Sinead for keeping me ‘sane’ and welcoming me to her lair.

To Chris, for being the most amazing of humans – moose sighting or not, I will never forget our adventure!

To my Mom, the OG biggest fan.

To my siblings, Caitlin and James, for their willingness to chat.

To Cedric, for humoring us and being so kind and informative.

To Mary and Debbie, for their time and perspective.

To Sydney for supporting me even when I doubted myself.

To David, who wasn’t here much for this project, but was for all the other ones.

To the 700 film seniors, for distracting me and sharing in my insanity.

And finally, to Maggie, without whom this project would’ve never happened. You are a gem.

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