CSI Scholars

Center for Social Impact Scholars

CSIL is excited to launch the newest program in the comprehensive portfolio focused on using finance as a tool for social change. 8-10 MIIS students will be selected as CSIL scholars, each receiving a fellowship stipend of up to $5,000.

  • Training

From March 15 – May 15 selected MIIS students will partake in the MSI Leadership Training. This training will be a blend of digital seminars and in-person workshops taught by Middlebury and MIIS faculty and staff as well as practitioners from the field.

  • Role of the Scholar

         The role of the scholars is three fold:

  1.  partnership development in country for CSIL
  2.  leader of MSI Ambassador cohort
  3.  comprehensive action-research proposal (overseen by faculty).
  • Research

Each scholar will complete an action-based research project in one of the CSIL target countries overseen by a Middlebury or MIIS faculty member. The research will be part of a larger strategic research agenda curated by CSIL team. Projects are not limited to reports and may be developed through digital and dynamic platforms in collaboration with the DLC and the META lab.