Marketing Tools for Developers

Marketing Tools for Developers


Sales and Marketing have changed in form and structure so much in the last 100 years, probably the biggest change in its history. Companies are using advanced technologies nowadays by making the process increasingly automated, and focusing more on the customers themselves, and personalizing their purchasing experience as much as possible.

In this article, we will discuss various marketing tools and technologies, for developers. Moreover, we will see why developers need those tools.

Finally, we will go over some best practices to get familiar with marketing tools while avoiding the need to go through the internet’s endlessness. To get started, here is a wiki by Clearbit which maps out various types of marketing tools and includes definitions and resources about each of them.

What are Marketing Tools and Technologies?

There are countless marketing tools in the internet, available for various purposes and different users.

I will present some of those tools, put into categories that are divided based on the purpose of the tool.

Idea Generators: Some of the good tools are Xmind, Scapple, Mindmup and Google Trends.

Ad Networks: iAd for Apple, Chartboost for mobile games, AdColony for Video Ads, are some of the famous tools for Ads.s

Market Research: Google Trends, Google Keywords Tools and Priori Data for Mobile Apps.

InApp Analytics: Google Analytics, Apple App Analytics, and Flurry Analytics (free one).

Push Notifications:, Xtify, and Appscend are some of the most used.

And much more, for different purposes and/or more customization.

Do Developers Need Marketing Tools? Why?

Nowadays, the internet is full of information about marketing strategies, methods and tools that can help your company, and most companies have a good toolkit for dealing with that. However, even the best marketing experts in the world need an advice or a warning every while and another. There is an increasing push towards consumer attention. In fact, there are few main fields that modern tools can help you with.

Most companies that have weak marketing strategies fail to define a clear goal for those strategies. This can stem from many things, like not using enough resources in the plan, or the lack of understanding the true demand of the customers and what do they want from the manufacturer. Moreover, not tracking and monitoring the progress of the campaign, for example, would definitely mean that the company would have less control on its market and product.

Improving Strategies

Marketing tools can help companies not just with the overall big picture, but also dive deep into specific parts of it, to the details. There are many specific priorities for many businesses, conversion optimization for example, that can be tackled using different Tools that can increase the conversion rate with touchable results, by analyzing the existing structure, of a website for example, and make suggestions for improvements accordingly.


Ease of Work

After all, a company can decide to use marketing tools fully, and apply a full marketing automation. This would include, analytics, tracking, web content personalization, campaign management, and more.

Generally, companies that use marketing automation to generate leads have higher conversion rates that those who don’t. Because they offer a personalized support that would assist the company in reaching their milestones.

How to get acquainted with Marketing Technologies without getting lost in all of the Information online

There are different answers for this question, especially with regards to the person asking. But generally, people can acquire lots of info and skills from attending courses that touch on various fields within this sphere.

There are several courses you can attend, they would give a detailed content with various useful tips and a professional guidance, the one you should sign for at least!

There are many online courses for marketing for developers, this is a good example of one of them.

On the other hand, scanning the internet for useful sources isn’t always futile. There are many resources that can be used to further one’s knowledge about the topic, acquire guidance for which tools or/and methods to use, and much more.

Two examples of useful resources: The Developer Marketing Guide and this list by apptamin.

Closing Thoughts

After we have seen how important marketing tools are for developers and any successful company, we have seen the reasons that present the need for and the importance of the new Tools available in the stock in today’s Market, as analyzing and responding to customers reviews and opinions is a fundamental process in Sales. I discussed the meaning of the term, its relevance, and importance to people, especially marketing managers, and presented several common platforms for different use cases. Moreover, we saw the way into knowing more about marketing tools by following best practices and using the right resources.

Whether a company is trying to enhance its performance and reach more customers and increase its knowledge of its long lists of past customers, or if it is a startup that is initiating its very first campaign to the Market, both companies need marketing tools to succeed. This is due to the importance of reaching out to new customers and personalizing their experiences.


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